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Question to mod enumeration in url

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On nexusmods.com the url for a mod is "nexusmods.com/GAME NAME/mods/NUMBER OF MOD". I am interested in the very first mods for some games, so for example I look up https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1 and see that "Alexi CirTein a Stormcloak officer - A follower using the Hroki model" is the first mod for Skyrim Special Edition.


Sometimes the first few mods are "not found" which means they got deleted imo (or they are "hidden"), for example there is no

https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1 (I can read in the browser tab that this mod was called "Slightly Improved Eyes", it was deleted) or


but there is https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3.


But in some cases there are no mods until a very high number, for example Fallout New Vegas, the first mods I could find is


What happened to mods 1 to 34677?


Same story with Oblivon (first mod I could find was 1412) or Morrowind (155).


I can't imagine all those mods were deleted, it's just too many! Or is that the case?


Edit: error in pseudo url.

Edited by HealerOfThe4thDimension
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In the older games we allowed mod pages to be fully deleted from the database, meaning they left no indication anything existed there before. That's usually why the old games have big gaps.


As for New Vegas starting at 34678, I'm not sure but it may have been that all mods were re-numbered at some point, possibly when the various Nexus subsites got merged.

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