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help with mods


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Jaxxsniper, you need to be a bit more specific on how the mods aren't working. Are they crashing your game? Are they not showing up ingame? are there missing meshes or textures? All of these reasons stem from different problems, so hard to help with just "my mods aren't working".


Also some mods won't play nice with other mods, and can't be used together. So we need to know what mods you are using to know if any are conflicting.

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If your using a lot of mods get OBMM (Oblivion Mod Manager) and post a load order.




On the right side of the OBMM window go to Import/Export and select View Load Order. Save the list to a text editor.


Unless you give some information as Arcelas says no-one can help you much.


It's not a good idea to put your email address in a public forum either even if it is a Hotmail one. You can end up with all sorts of spam and rubbish you don't need. Also, it's not very likely you'll get a response to your question by email.

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I would like to point out that this can be a security problem as well.


Whenever e-mail someone, you are also giving them your e-mail.


So if you don't know the person, that might not be a good idea.


That's why so many of us ask our questions, and get them answered, right here on the forums.


It can actually be a lot faster that way. More people are likely to help you as well


Storm Raven

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