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Blender animation import problem


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I've been have a strange but small problem when importing animations into blender. Most things work correctly, but some bones on the skeleton look completely off compared to an older revision of blender on my older computer. Bones being both toes nodes, pelvis, one tail node, spine02, and one of the head nodes just to name the most noticeable ones. Anyway to fix this, or would I have to revert to that version of blender.


details (if these would mean anything):


Currently using:

OS:Windows 8 64bit

Blender 2.49b



Previously Used (where things seemed to import correctly):

OS:Windows Vista 32bit

Blender 2.47

python 2.5.2


Nifscripts on both were appear to be the same for both as far as i can tell.


I have pictures that might help, but how do i post them?

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@Striker879; I have and I didn't see anything on there that sounded like my problem. Luckily i save the files i was working on on my older PC as .blend and was able to open those on this one without the problems... Looks like that's probably what I'm going to have to do If i decide to try to edit another animation...



UPDATE: Switching to blender 2.47 (and the version of nifscripts and stuff it came with)seems to have fixed my problem...

Edited by burningwreckage00
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