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[Mod request] - Elden Ring Open Server


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Long story short, I really want to play co-op with my husband in ER without needing to worry about random yahoos invading our game every 10 minutes. There's an open server project for Dark Souls 2 and 3, and since ER seems run on an upgraded version of DS3's engine I figure it shouldn't be too complicated to adapt the existing open server to work with ER.


Would anybody be able to do this or know how I could perhaps do it myself? Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hm, no replies, really. Booo... I would really love to do the same with my best friend. If you get anywhere with this ping me! I'd be willing to help too, but all my modding experience is with pretty simple stuff in the engine versioned for Dragon's Dogma.

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