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Well I don't know if this is possible, but a mod that will give you lvl 100 in all skills and give you all the perks would be awesome, and also ask TGBlank says, make your level to 20. Hopefully someone can do this. Thanks in advance for any try and or success :thumbsup:
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its far more efficient to just whip up the console and mod the stuff yourself. Mods work best to modify or add things (add a new armor, change how that weapon looks, give an enchant to some lenses, change/add npcs, create new companions, change what perks do....). To give what you ask, while possible, it's cumbersome and better left to 5 mins of consoling on your own ^^'


That, and remember to set your level to 20. or your game will crash at level up.

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The easiest thing to do here would be to create a batch file, which is a text file that is basically a list of console commands. For example, if I created a file called "TestBatch.txt" and it contained the following:

player.AddItem 00004353 1
player.AddItem 0006b53c 1000

Then I could use the console command "bat TestBatch.txt" to run all three console commands contained within the batch file sequentially.


If you created a batch file that maxed out the player's skills and level, and added all available perks etc. then you would be able to run all of them easily from just one line with the "bat" command.



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