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I have recently had an unhealthy obsession with re-creating characters in Skyrim (to my best of my abilities) with a little help from mods and currently it is Gandalf the Grey. Now I found a few mods that add Gandalf as a companion or add a staff, hat, Glamdring ect. But never added anything new like robes, mostly used Greybeard's Robes, so I went along and used vanilla robes. As I was goofin' about in qasmoke I found that the grey robes were close (not really) to his in the movies but darker and had minor clipping issues both in and out of third person view along with no scarf or hood/cloak. After this I went and downloaded Cloaks of Skyrim and thought it was getting better so I went and downloaded the Glamdring and the staff mod along with the hat and found the hair wasn't as well, I don't know... as curly or stringy, I actually have no idea as how to define hair... so i downloaded AppachiSkyHair in hopes of finding a hair style of it and in fact none of them worked and were too young looking or too tended to sorta look. Now after that hopeless attempt I tried and searched for longer beards or new beards mods but got nowhere. Now you might might be think Use NifScope or Use So and So Mod well most of those will just stretch the textures and I am no artist to be able to fix that. So all in all I am asking for someone to either make all of what I suggested above (New Robes, longer and wider beards, better hair) or direct me to a mod page that is still in development or one that I missed, which I doubt. Or is there a reason none of these were made due to copyright reasons with Warner Bro as in M.E.R.P. or Middle Earth Role Playing/Project?




Edited by PieBy
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