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Petition : Fallout 3 DLC


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Sure some of the DLC could be better and longer. But 10 bucks is nothing. An hour of work for most people will cover it. I'd gladly pay if it encourages them to make more content.


Now if you had petitioned about specifics in gameplay, I might be with you. But the price is really not a big deal to bother. Fight your battles elsewhere I say.

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  Michlo said:
I was happy to sign the petition as I believe they ought to be $5 at most.


I was NOT happy to be automatically asked for more money simply for supporting the petition site. Can we talk about what the production costs are there? There wasn't even an option for no donation and when I chose none of the buttons I was then directed to PayPal to give the site $10. What a crock.


I agree. But for now, there's nothing I can do about it. Although you need to click many buttons NOT to donate, it is possible to sign without donating. I didn't donate either.

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Broken steel added a few mini quests and actually modified the wastelend to have new stuff (including some frustratingly hard to kill enemies) along with making a small water area non-radiated, while it still feels kinda like a rip after it's over it definitely was longer and harder then the pitt or anchorage, if they release a few more like this I wouldn't complain but as it is now 2/3 being a rip-off isn't a good thing...
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maybe even something to add onto the BS quest like BS did on the main quest?

like a DLC that adds gear/enemies/areas for non BS players, and more quests plus the other stuff for BS players

but it would have to have alot of good stuff

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Point Lookout just hitted the market today as the fourth DLC.... and about the Fifth DLC.... ALIENS.... come on Bethesda! i would rather like a Robot takeover like in Fallout Tactic then some damn Aliens comming right out of Space to kidnap the player!
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  Bladerting said:
Point Lookout just hitted the market today and about teh Fifth DLC.... ALIENS.... come on Bethesda! i would rather like a Robot takeover like in Fallout Tactic then some damn big headed man comming right from spaces.

Despite your poor english typing I must agree with you, I think an underground robot city deviod of people, or a robot invasion would fit perfectly into the fallout theme more then something to do with oh...the two freaking aliens you ever see in the wastes...

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ill tell ya something about DLC.


If bethesda operates like other game companies, the contents and scope of DLC is not decided by 'Bethesda', its decided by 2-3 high ranking producers or maybe even a CEO or two at the top. The price is negotiated between the company owners and distributors, in the case of DLC for GFWL it would be Microsoft.


These are all decisions that are so high up in the food chain, a simple internet petition addressed 'to bethesda' is not likely going to get results. You need to find the names of the heads of production on Fallout 3, the names of the CEO(s) and/or CFO(s) and address/forward it to them.


A petition with demands like 'lower costs and increase scope' is DEFINITELY NOT going to get more than a moments notice, nor will it get any results. Companies dont acknowledge beggary, you have to sweeten your words by offering some kind of alternative, if you are at all serious about this.


I ask you, if the costs are lower, how can the scope be increased? if the scope is increased, how can the costs be made lower?.


Much of production time for typical DLC is usually devoted to Art Asset creation and Level Design/Layout/Decoration, since the tools already exist to create it. To achieve the quality bar of a Triple-A next-gen game title these days, that work is not easy nor is it quick.


DLC usually has a production cycle of about 3-7 months, usually employing only a skeleton crew compared to what the full game had. It costs less than the full game, but is still a massive undertaking.


If you truly are passionate about the game, and want this petition to succeed, you might want to propose some alternatives rather than just 'your DLC is a ripoff, make it cheaper or make it longer'.

Perhaps express that youd much rather play DLC containing fewer original art assets, and more original storyline expansion and/or quests, etc. That would cut down on alot of the production costs, less artists needed...


You have to start thinking like a businessperson, Bethesda and the game industry in general are businesses after all...

not just a forum of volunteer modders who will gladly work for peanuts

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The good news is that if you're willing to wait for GotY edition, you'll be able to get FO3+DLCs for $50 (which is basically like a half-off sale). The bad news is what to do with your original FO3 disc. I've been telling people lately to hold off on buying FO3 till GotY comes out.
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