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How force weapon Equip Type


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Is there a way to force usage of a weapon only by left OR right? Setting the Equip Type in the CK does nothing to prevent usage on either hand. It also does not affect AI usage either; so if you give an NPC a "left handed" weapon, with it's equip type set to LeftHand, they'll gladly use it in their right (primary hand).

The situation i'm in is that i've made fist type weapons and their models are uniquely associated to a particular hand.


Advice would be appreciated..


Thanks in advance

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Aaah indeed i would make them two handed but like you said, the intention is for them to be specifically one-handed; just to be used by whateva hand i need.
You can liken the idea to World of Warcraft how you can have a "main hand" weapon that can only be equipped by your main hand and likewise how "Offhand" weapons can only be equipped in your offhand/shield slot.
On the shield note, i've tried setting the Equip Type to Shield (and likewise modifying the Nif data to be of type Shield as well) but no luck :(

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You can use EquipItemEx a SKSE function to force equip the item to a specific slot. But it may not work for what you want. It requires you to script when they are to equip the specified item rather than letting the NPC decide.


You MIGHT be able to force unequip the item when equipped by the NPC, then use GetEquippedObject (another SKSE function) to determine which hand is empty. Then force equip the correct item on the empty hand.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What about using the Ring slot on the hand?

There is also a mod for Left hand rings.

You could look to see how they specified that one.

The mod with the left hand rings created new forms for the rings with meshes that have the ring on the left hand. There was no forcing of a right handed ring to the left side or vice versa.

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  • 4 years later...

This is YEARS late, but I'd suggest looking at the Actor stuff, rather than the Item stuff. The AI and Actor Behaviours and the like- For instance, the Draugr have a "Left hand only" thing going with their spells- but the basis of that is in the Draugr AI package, rather than in just the spells.

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