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lol just try searching your computer for screenshot1 and work out where they are being saved its not hard.....


good luck .... :happy:

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Okay I have read the tutorial. That's how I am able to take my screenshots now. And I have searched my C:\ drive for "screenshot1" I still can't find it. Oh pointless... :blink:
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Look in the Oblivion folder, the one with the data folder in it, scroll down to the bottom....unless you have change the destination path, that is where they will be.
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6. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to Oblivion's installation folder. Default is C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion


The BMP images are stored in the same folder as Oblivion.exe which is the folder "prior to" the Data folder.


I cannot recall if they are called "Oblivion1.bmp" or "Screenshot1.bmp" but either way, they are BMP files that are quite large. Just be sure to crop the images as necessary and re-save them as JPG images before uploading them.



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I know where the screen shots should be. I'm telling you it takes the screen shot because when I hit the print screen key the words screenshot1.bmp has been created. I go to my oblivion data folder and they are not there.
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Does it say "Screenshot1.bmp" every time or does it increment the number? If it does not increment the number, it might be a clue to the problem...such as not being able to create a file in that directory due to permissions. Using Vista and installed Oblivion to the default "Program Files" folder?


The common problems that are known to this day are the settings in the Oblivion.ini (the correct .ini file) and Anti-Alias setting. If this is a Vista permission problem, it is new and we need to find and document the solution so the articles can be updated.



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Every time I take a screen shot the numbers increase. Screenshot1.bmp, screenshot2.bmp, screenshot3.bmp etc...


I even changed my oblivion.ini. Under display I changed bAllowScreenShot=0 to bAllowScreenShot=1

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Maybe I'm not making myself clear. I opened up my graphics card properties and turn of anti-aliasing and I edited my Oblivion.ini file and changed ballowscreenshot=0 to ballowscreenshot=1. Before I did all that I was not able to take screen shot but after doing it I am able to take screenshots. I click my start button and do a search for "screenshot1.bmp, screenshot2.bmp, etc... The search doesn't turn up any results for screenshotX.bmp. I know it takes the screen shot because when I hit my print screen key, text pops up on the top of my monitor saying screenshotX.bmp has been created. The screen shots are NOT in C:\program file\bethesda softworks\oblivion\data folder. It's as if they are not saved on my computer at all. But, like I said when I take the screen shot it says it has been created.
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When you launch the game, click on the options menu.


Check to make sure you have Anti Aliasing turned off there as well.

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