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Stop BoS respawning at Citadel


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When playing FO3 I noticed that every time I revisited the Brotherhood Citadel, all the characters around that area seemed to respawn. I noticed for two reasons:


1) In one corner there is a battle going on between a supermutant and a rooftop guard. Often the guard would die, then the supermutant but upon a revisit, both were alive and well again. For a very short time.


2) All the guys I gave gatling lasers to seemed to have lost or flogged them.


What I require is for the respawn... script, is it?... to be deactivated so the Citadel behaves like any other town where if someone has a kickass laser, they keep it, and if someone dies, they stay dead like any decent, self-respecting person would.


I am not sure if this can be done easily, but it interferes with my plans to kit out everyone I approve of in the Wastelands (the others die. Of course.). As such, if anyone could either fix this or explain how it could be done there would be much appreciation forthcoming.

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I am not sure if I understand the problem correctly... As I understand it, the BoS at the Citadel all have to take part in some scripted action, possibly the march on the Jefferson Memorial with Liberty Prime. As such, any of these that are dead will be unable to participate and that will result in a game crash.


If this is the case, then that is not a problem as I am intending to keep all BoS alive and well (particularly the Citadel ones). If however I have misunderstood the problem, could you please explain in more detail what errors will present themselves and why?

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I could do that. But there is a reason for this, all the BOS take part in something, and the game would go crazy if they didn't have NPCs doing the tasks, so the game would break. But I can do this.


just reply a simple answer like "never mind" or "oaky do it" to confirm



Yeah go for it, I'll risk it

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