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[Mod idea/request] True Dragonborn


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I need someone good with skyrim creation kit scripts!!Because i suck doing this things.

Here is my first well planed mod idea (i like to post in topics, is easy to understand):

1-New shout:
Word | Shout - Translation
A) First Word | Dov - Dragonking
B) Second Word | Ah - Hunter
C) Third Word | kiin - Born

a=Dragons flee
a+b=High Level Creatures flee
a+b+c=High Level Creatures flee and 43% chance to paralize target(s)

Why these effects:
You are saing your title in the dragon leaguage, this must be a powerfull thing.
2-New follower/quest npc: Malukah (Have Malukah permition to use =) )
a-Can sing The Dragon Born comes
b-give a quest to the True Dragonborn Armor and the new shout (Quest Line name: Our Hero Comes)
2.5-New big dungeon (explain latter)
3- Six new quests (parts of the quest line: Our Hero Comes):
1-Rescue Malukah
2-Find the first word = Do
3-Find the second word = Vah
4-Find the last word = Kiin
5-Clear the Ruined Angel Cave (a medium/big dungeon)
6-Colect all parts of the True Dragon Born armor and find the True Dragonborn sword
4-New secret unique item: Sword of Talos (1 hand and 2 hand version, choose by pulling a lever)
-2.5x damage against dragons
-Item specifications: Damge=83 (can get 126 if improved at maximum) Height=12 Value=10.000 septins
-Enchant = Target more vunerable to shouts and target can't shout/use power for 60 seconds
-Have 250 uses before needs to recharge enchant
*The sword can be found on the shrine of Talos at Ruined Angel Cave hided by a fake wall (also have The Fanatic protecting the shrine)
5-New mini-boss: The Fanaitc
A level 80 nord
Uses a glass sword and a full glass armor and glass shield with the following enchants:
Helmet: Detec life and undead
Chestplate: Absord 50% of magic damage
Gloves: +10 points to One-handed skill
Boots: Incress stamina in 50 points and incress carrying capacity in 50 points
Shield: 30% chance to reflet a shout
Sword: Do 2 points of shock/ice/fire damage every 2 seconds during 120 seconds

Extra notes: more details can be given to who wants to do this mod and sorry for the bad english.
Edited by Velken
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Actually a more accurate translation would be


Dov - Dragonkind


Ah - Hunter


Kiin - Born


Or Born Hunter of Dragonkind

Tks, editing

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You should make the Dragonborn armor stalhrim, as it's the most powerful 'Nordly' armor. And it looks badass :wink:

Well, i'm making using the texture from the armor from skyrim trailer: Iron Helmet, Studded Chestplate Studded Boots and Iron Gauntlets. The sword of Talos will be a iron sword and another secret item (dragon dagger) will use Iron Dagger texture.

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