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I aswell would like to thank these modders for the insane amount of work they do to create mods we all love. I've tried modding and its no febal task it is time consuming and just plain difficult. So again thank you guys so much for the pure awesomenes you put your blood, sweat, and tears into.

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Second the sentiment of the original post.

I am a budding modder now, and hope to put back in some of the charm that you all put in making Skyrim a much, much better experience on my second playthrough than the first.

Honestly, the additions of the body and armour modders make the crafting much more interesting and the world more diverse feelng. The various atmospherics are amazing and the "Mother nature is a mother" type mods (Frostfall, camping, ineed etc) have made the game MUCH more challenging and also characterful. Seeing my character sit down at a campfire with a follower after having just collected wood in time for nightfall and watching my characters vision unblur from the warmth... brilliant stuff.

So modders, Thankyou. Thankyou so much.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I've modded 1 game a long time ago . More hours than I can count doing so . It was a joy for myself mostly .The techniques used to perform such tasks also increased my knowledge of actually building games .

I think this was the most rewarding for me .

There is a tremendous amount of devotion involved in creating and it was a small group effort in my experience on just 1 mod . I can imagine creating on a much larger scale as the modders here and there do .

The technology has advanced so much sense then you are always learning something new . The tools of today , game engines etc... are much better . More can be done with a greater sense of accomplishment .

I envy you modders :) . I appreciate your devotion as do many others here . More than you probably realize . Your strength is in numbers if you choose to create something BIG .

Don't stop as I did because the next big game may be of your mind and your making . Its possible , listen to someone who's seen it happen . Again thank you to ALL involved in the modds of this game and others :)

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I also want to thank all you modders out there..you guys gave an otherwise pc adventure game and made it 20x times better!!



and this may not be the section for it but I'm thanking the modders nexus will forgive me if I use this section to thank all the members out there who gave me advice on modding my game..i.e I can run 45 min to almost 3 hours before ctd. Keep up the great work..!!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all,


I've been lurking and playing with the mods around here quite a while but never bothered to take a few minutes to say "Thank you" or even "Hello!". For this, I apologize. I was pretty impressed with Skyrim when it first debuted but it was only after spending some time between here and LL that I started to recognize and fully appreciate the brilliance and influence of the modding community behind it. I rate games with the assumption that nothing can be perfect. The best games to me are always 9s. Skyrim was the first game to have shot to a 10 for me based purely on the excellence of the modders.. by essentially making Skyrim be whatever I'd like it to be.


I'm not going to get too political regarding what I feel to be unwarranted social stigmas surrounding sexuality. That the adult mods are as praiseworthy (from both a technical standpoint and one of debaucherous eroticism) as any other mods is something that likely needs no illustration in this forum.


I have also found the community to be helpful enough to solve every technical issue I've ever had with the implementation and usage of these mods.. without ever having posted a question.


You guys are amazing. Thank you.

Edited by McNutlick
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

This was nice. I have almost 3 years into my mod, learning everything by myself, the good ole fashioned hard way. So it's nice to know there ARE folks out there like you.

I would also like to thank all the modders who have given up their time and inspired me to do this in the first place.

I thank the Nexus for creating a place to collect it all.

I thank Bethesda for Skyrim.

I thank God I have fingers to type.

- Junk

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  • 4 weeks later...

It is so good to hear such kind words from fellow Skyrim Adventurers. I took up modding for the reason of getting to share my version of Skyrim with the world. We appreciate comments like this to keep us motivated. When I submitted the Forgotten Retex Project, I literally thought I'd be the only one downloading it from the Nexus. Never did I expect so many ideas, compliments and downloads in such a short time. As an Artist, it is always nice when someone else appreciates your work. Anybody who stays on board this journey with me is definitely a friend. Love you guys!



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