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I'd also like to add my thanks as well , I have uploaded some mods to nexus but they are simple mods really, I am in awe of some of the talent of the modders of this community


I'd also like to thank Bethesda who after all make all this possible, they make the kit available to us and provide tutorials for us etc. They could easily just release the game and not make it moddable. At a time when most game companies are moving away from us PC users Bethesda continue to support us and allow us to make these mods.

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As for me, I can not begin to express the level of gratitude I have for you all. Words could only undermine the joy I have felt in my recent days due to the discovery of this website and all of the wonderful creations and artistic expressions of supreme and exceptional beauty.


Many of the things I have encountered here have surpassed anything I have found in life by such a margin that it is IMPOSSIBLE, that those who discover this website, will be remain the same person. The imaginations of those who wander upon this paradise will literally push the boundaries of human potential further than it has ever been. The Universe itself will react in a way to eventually shape reality in the image of this kind of expression (for those who understand the "everything is one" philosophy).


In a more practical aspect, skyrim can now be treated as a place, or "environment" that visually can induce intense emotional experiences and due to the exceptional quality level of creation, it has an immediate and powerful effect on its viewers. It is a wonderful thing to have the ability to bring others to a state of awe or to create something that inspires or imbibes a level of emotion that changes an aspect of who they are. It inspires others to create something of beauty.


I hope you all remain happy in life. Thank you very much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i too would like to throw in my thanks and gratitude for the multitude of mods that make this game even better than those who had originally created it. many games i have played, but few of the companies have EVER allowed their players to create and share their own works in their games, and Skyrim has become my top most played game since the day i bought it for myself.


so, with that being said,


THANK YOU SO VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH! hope to see more great works come out :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

lol i came here to write exactly the same topic! THANKS TO ALL MODER!! Skyrim can be really boring without you. You're do it for free and we enjoy your work! Youre amazing people.



Jeff, Canada.

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I have been modding for a long time and i really enjoy having people comment about my ideas and mods, Its like people are agreeing with you and saying... Ya this should have been in the game! Thanks for saying something to us modders, and i thank all of the other modders who spend alot of time on there mods!!!

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By all the thundering Gods, I could not agree more. Thank You!! This is one of the best, if not the best modding communities that I have been on in many a year (back in the days of Cfs, MoH, CoD)


The Modders of this community have made Skyrim and Oblivion real worlds for this retired old man. I am old, but when I visit these worlds you have all helped to create I can feel young again.


The house mods are a special treat. (20+ throughout the land) I don't want to get rained on. :laugh:


Again I say thank you. You are all to be highly commended for your wonderful creations.


Damn! I almost forgot to thank the people "Nexusmods" for their great work, without which the people who make the mods would have no place to upload them. Well done!! Please keep up the good work.



"If you understood what I ment then I didn't misspell it."

Edited by Bear Claw
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