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DarNified UI NV and Mod Configuration Menu confliction


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I'm trying to install two mod to improve my gameplay. the first was DarNified UI NV this installed fine and I had no problems changing the .ini files .


The problem came with the second mod; Mod Configuration Menu, it downloaded fine (I'm using Nexus Mod Manager) the trouble started when I tried to install it.


now what should have happened would be a pop up would appear saying about a small conflict with one of the DarNified UI files. it would ask what you want to do in this case it was the 'yes to all' option. after this the mod would install fine.


instead I get a nice little menu pop up with the MCM logo asking me to install. I try it and the two conflict and the mod won't install.


I think it's because the MCM is version 1.5, the video I'm following for this was version 1.2 (for MCM).


I'm stuck as to how to get both to install without conflict as I don't think I can without some assistants.


Any Suggests?


Mod video I'm following: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-3c1a9cLL8

Site for DarNified: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1143482-wipzbeta-darnified-ui-nv/

link for MCM: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/42507/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D42507%26preview%3D&pUp=1

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Have you tried installing MCM first, and then installing DarNified UI afterwards? Because all the UI does is change the fonts so it shouldn't have any impact on MCM at all. I know I had to install DarNified UI last to get it to work properly without conflicts.

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Have you tried installing MCM first, and then installing DarNified UI afterwards? Because all the UI does is change the fonts so it shouldn't have any impact on MCM at all. I know I had to install DarNified UI last to get it to work properly without conflicts.


I did try that but I don't really know what to do when it come up and says 'Overwrite this file' because the file it wants to change is the one file MCM needs to show up on the pause menu. Otherwise I get this message popping up when I pause the game.


"The Mod Configuration Menu cannot access its menu files either the files are missing ,

an error has occurred with NVSE plugin, or a firewall/UAC is preventing access.


You may need to re-install the mod, update 32-bit visual c++ 2010 redistribute package, or change your firewall/UAC settings."


The problem is that the MCM 'needs' to overwrite the menu file for Darnified UI, for it to run. As far as I am aware the Darnified can run on the MCM file. Problem is I don't know how to Install both through Nexus mod manager with causing the problems I'm experiencing.


What should I do when the 'overwrite file' pops up?


'Yes to all' , 'Yes to folder', 'Yes to mod' ,'Yes' ,'No to all', 'No to folder' ,'No to mod' , 'No' are my options when this pops up.


any ideas, because I've Already try 'no' to overwrite and the MCM message no longer pops up but there is no MCM on the pause menu. also the Darnified icon is missing from the left hand corner when starting up the game.

Edited by Mione RCP
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Install Darn, then MCM, then try using Unified HUD after. I've got both and they work fine.

Tried that didn't do any good. I can't install MCM after Darn because of the conflict and installing them in different orders didn't work


MCM - Darn - unified HUD

what I was aiming towards was this originally

Dran- MCM - One HUD - Unified HUD


But the Mods are a no show - even installing one HUD is clashing with something (Darn I think)

If anyone can figure out how to install all the mods, then you are a god, because this mere mortal is unable to complete this task!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you have NVSE installed?

Yes I do, but don't worry I've figured it out!!
I managed to install MCM first then Darn, before I installed one hud I went to the 'plugin' tab in mod manager and moved the load order for darn above MCM.
After that I was able to install oneHud then the unified Hud project without a problem.
Start the game up no problem, however when In game and I pause for the Menu I get a couple of message's
"The Mod Configure Menu has detected multiple menu entries for Mod Configure Menu. The Mod will still function properly, but the pause menu loading time will be increased.
See FAQ section in Readme for solution."
and one that say's Warning
"DarNified UI has been detected in the HUD but not the start Menu. You will need to repair DarNified UI or remove it completely for MCM to appear correctly."
I have not found any issues yet but I'm a little worried about the second message.
I think the issue is solved but if anyone know the reason why the messages pop up and knows how to fix it please feel free to tell me. Thank you everyone for the help!
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  • 4 weeks later...


Do you have NVSE installed?

"DarNified UI has been detected in the HUD but not the start Menu. You will need to repair DarNified UI or remove it completely for MCM to appear correctly."


I have the same message in the Menu screen and the Menu does load slow.


All the hud mods work I have the DarN fonts in everything but the menu.


I am running seveal hud mods and MCM, oHud, & uHud with full functioanlity just the Menu problem.


I solved it by going into Nexus Mod Manager unactivated Darn, oHud, uHud, and the Mod Config Manager. Then I reactivated DarN, uHud, oHud, & MCM. Load Order changed. Make sure MCM loads after DarN.


Ran FNVEdit and it finished successfully. Deleted all saves - went into My Docs, My Games, Fallout NV deleted the Falloutprefs.ini file. Checked to make sure all orter ini files had the font change for DarN (2 in My Games and 1 in the game folder itself). Executed the launcher and it acted like I never started the game before detecting my vid card.


After loading the menu had the DarN fonts in all the selected options. AWESOME.

Edited by fo3daroc
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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, can anyone please tell me what should i change in the Settings XML ( in prefabs folder ) so i can double the size of my HUD? Darn is way too small, at about 25% of vanilla. I would love a 50% of vanilla, or double of Darn.


Again, just the HUD elements . nothing more.


Edit: Found it, nvm :D

Edited by sereneman
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  • 5 months later...
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