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[advice needed] To write a mod to bring back long-lost stuck-dead NPCs


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  • 3 weeks later...

In the 3 years I've been playing this game, including a year of pure vanilla play before I found the Nexus, and 3 different characters, ALL highwaymen have ALWAYS re-spawned in 3 days. All of them. Even with no mods of any kind anywhere on my computer for a year. I have the original GOTY edition I bought with gamers guide for $5.00 at a second hand store. Maybe that has something to do with it. I thought they were supposed to re-spawn. Guess I have a lucky glitch somewhere.

However, none of the Bravil Guards re-spawn in my game, so I've had to do as the original post here with them until I have time to fix it in the CS. All other city guards and Legion troops re-spawn, but not Bravil for some reason, and only for my newest character.

In my experience, weird glitches abound in Oblivion. It would take several pages of space here to list all I have experienced since I started playing it, especially my first vanilla year. I still love it and will play and mod for it for years to come. And I appreciate the challenge of fixing them. Good Luck! :mellow:

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