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Provide password hints


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So, I had a Windows update that cleared some of my caches, including the stay-online thing for the site.
So, I tried logging in again, but my usual passwords didn't work, even the ones which include capital letters and special characters (I quite dislike this trend of requirements).
But hey, I figure I could go into create new account so I could see what the criteria for passwords were.


But it turns out I have to go through other steps first, so instead of registering some rando e-mail, I instead reset my password.
And only then did I find out this site requires 12 characters, instead of the usual 8 characters.
Had I known this was the requirement, I could've easily guessed which of my dozen passwords I used for the site.


If the site is to have such a non-standard password requirement, it'd be nice if I either get informed what minimum requirements there are, or that I can provide a password hint, as I have a code I can use to inform myself what randomly generated passwords I have slapped together and in what order (yeah I've straight up memorised several randomly generated passwords).

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I'm afraid we're not going to provide "hints" for passwords. It's a terrible security practice. It sounds like you should either start using a password manager or consolidate your email addresses so that you can use the email-based password reset more easily?
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