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Rule Clarification: Should I keep an eye out for Nexus members that ar


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I am just wondering if I should help the Nexus staff enforce this rule by reporting such behavior to the moderators if I see it, even though it is activity outside of the Nexus website (and thus can't use the report button)?


The rule in question is referred to in this post where Dark0ne (admin) states that he will ban Nexus members for making "disparaging remarks" about Nexus mods or admins on non-Nexus websites.


"There are two things I'll ban for in this regard; the first is publicly sharing mods that don't belong to the uploader on other sites when the author has specifically requested for their files not to be uploaded on other sites, and the other is when I come across users who have said particularly disparaging things about me or my staff. The way I see it, if you use this site but hate it then you're just being two-faced."



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Please don't go out of your way to find them, but if you encounter some really obnoxious comments on other sites, share them with us. The staff loves to see those - it lets us know we are doing our job. :tongue:

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Good answer :smile:


I'm glad to see that the mod's don't seem as bad over here as I've heard, regardless of the... questionable... practices I've dug up after some research.


"Questionable" by whom?


By the Site Owner, who provides clear (and easy to read) guidance on the Nexus policies and practices?

By the other 6+ million members who seem to enjoy the experience and atmosphere they find here?

Or by those who behave as if they were on 4Chan or SomethingAwful, and then find they are no longer welcome here?


We post every single serious action taken by the Staff in a public forum, making the Moderation of the Nexus among the most transparent on the net. Disputes with those actions are referred to the highest authority (Dark0ne) almost immediately, and adjudicated with equal speed. (Always remembering that Dark0ne has explicitly stated that it's his site, his rules, and what he says goes.)


So again, what "questionable" practices did your research dig up? :huh:

I'm actually a little curious. :geek:

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No one said anything about "monitoring" other sites.

bben said we like a good laugh! :laugh:


As for your other point, you missed the context:



I don't know what ban you're referring to (feel free to PM me a link) but I know I have banned a very small number of people (less than I can count on both hands) in the past for doing or posting things on other sites. There are two things I'll ban for in this regard; the first is publicly sharing mods that don't belong to the uploader on other sites when the author has specifically requested for their files not to be uploaded on other sites, and the other is when I come across users who have said particularly disparaging things about me or my staff. The way I see it, if you use this site but hate it then you're just being two-faced.

I was watching the film Anti-Trust again recently. It's a silly nerdy/geeky film about programmers. Anyway, the character who is essentially meant to be Bill Gates is talking to a young hopeful programmer and says to him:

"Milo I know, he thinks we've cloned too many programs and force people to buy our inferior versions of, blah blah blah ad infinitum, ad nauseum, I've heard it all before. I even understand it. It's the nature of competitive business. When you're on top people attack the quality of your product, it comes with the territory. It's when the attacks get personal; the 'Gary Winston is Satan' [the name of the character] websites, digitising my wife's face on porn star bodies....I don't like that."

Now, I've no wish to liken myself to that character as he turns out to be a nasty piece of work by the end, but the concept is the same. If I see people being particularly rude (note rude, not negative) about me or my staff I will do anything I can to ensure they never use these sites. And why wouldn't I?

It is extremely easy to attack the site on the top and to look to other sites in the community and think "yes, they've got it right, and the Nexus hasn't". That is, as Gary Winston said, the nature of the business. It's far easier for these sites to provide a better, more personal service, because they haven't gone through all the experiences that I have had to go through with these sites, yet. They're not at a point yet where every change or update is met with damning scepticism and negativity. They might get there, and I'd be happy to provide them with tips on how to avoid the pitfalls I fell in to when I reached them, as I have done for many webmasters who have sought my advice over the years.

When you are the "go to" site for mods you get every type of individual come to your site. You get the 4chan and Something Awful pubbies, you get the casual gamers, you get the hardcore gamers, you get the casual modders, you get the hardcore semi-professional modders...you get everyone. When you host a more niche community site you only get what that niche caters to, so if you're catering to mod authors and high quality mods then the environment is going to be that much more friendly because you're not mingling with all the other...less desirables, according to your tastes. That makes absolute sense. We've always had a strict moderation system in place because, while we get every type of individual coming to the sites, we're trying to cater for the individuals whom we value most; the modders and the mature, respectable game player who wants the mods. Up to a point this system was working brilliantly; mod authors were happy because they felt their work was being protected from the mindless trolls of the community and they were still getting great exposure for their files, they had their cake and they ate it. Somewhere down the line this attitude changed and I can't quite put my finger on where.



One thing I will say is, if you think this site has a problem then please feel free to air it, but don't just say what's wrong without telling me how I can fix it. If you were me, what would you do? What would you change? How would you change it? Why would you change it? What affect do you think it will have on the community? Is it actually feasible? Have you taken in to account all the variables within the community and not just your own personal opinion? These are questions I have to ask myself all the time and it does get droll when people are quick to criticise but slow to offer an alternative.



So really... What was your point? :dry:

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