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Teammates in vanilla Oblivion?


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I like the Oblivion on the PC because there's all kinds of cool mods, but my favorite mods are the teammate mods.

Well, I've got the XBOX 360 version, which is 100% unmoddable, like any 360 game. You can't open command consoles in 360 games, either.

So, in vanilla Oblivion, is there a way to get teammates? I think single player games are waaay more fun with AI allies, and I never liked how Oblivion puts the player by himself.

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you cant add any teammate to your 360 game, the only thing you could do is to travel with some of the vanilla characters like the adoring fan, or other people of the quests, like those brothers of chorrol or something like that...

a good companion is mazoga the orc, you have to go to leyawing´s castle and start the quest,

is a powerfull orc

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There are quite a few companion mods. Many single companions, and at least 2 popular mods that allow you to recruit multiple companions, either from the existing NPCs or new companions placed in the game just for that purpose.


A single, Rhianna. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8964


A single, Neeshka: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8256


Companion Share and Recruit - many different: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3066


Lots more like these, just use the search function

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umm.. now I understand what are you looking for are companions for your pc game..

sorry for my other post haha :wallbash:

bben has provided you the mods so enjoy :thumbsup:

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If you wanna keep it simple GGC Valeria and GGC Vicentie are the two best in my opinion or you can install CM Partners by Blackie and Divine Avenger has tons of partners that are very cool and original but require many other supporting mods like different custom races so don't get to carried away start simple and learn how mods interact with each other the you can go crazy and have a personal army of partners with out killing your game
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If your on Xbox 360 and cant use mods you can become an arch mage and some of the mages can folow you around i you tell them to,i found one in the practice room he looks a bit like rominus polus (the guy who welcomes u in the arcane university)
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There are quite a few companion mods. Many single companions, and at least 2 popular mods that allow you to recruit multiple companions, either from the existing NPCs or new companions placed in the game just for that purpose.


A single, Rhianna. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8964


A single, Neeshka: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8256


Companion Share and Recruit - many different: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3066


Lots more like these, just use the search function

If you wanna keep it simple GGC Valeria and GGC Vicentie are the two best in my opinion or you can install CM Partners by Blackie and Divine Avenger has tons of partners that are very cool and original but require many other supporting mods like different custom races so don't get to carried away start simple and learn how mods interact with each other the you can go crazy and have a personal army of partners with out killing your game
umm.. now I understand what are you looking for are companions for your pc game..

sorry for my other post haha :wallbash:

bben has provided you the mods so enjoy :thumbsup:


No, I was actually literally talking about the regular Oblivion game for the XBOX 360 that cannot be modded. I already know about how to get companions on the PC.

Sorry if there was a misunderstanding. If I was on the PC and I still refused to get mods, I could just make a follower like the Battlehorn Castle guys invincible or something, but the 360 doesn't let you touch it at all, so those guys in all their 70 hit point glory immediately get killed in the first battle they follow me into.

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I rarely use companion and other such mods, mainly because with my crippled comp (OS Invalid) I try to compensate for low fps, but I use Demon mod so a good one for that apparently is Dremora Companion (search under name and u shud find) (Demon mod just search Chingari or Chingari Demon Race) Demon Race is another fps hitter. RTT (Ruined Tail's Tale) did something I always wanted for partner npcs which is this mod: crouch when you crouch, dont always engage in battle and not complain when you steal things (I dont know if other mods do this but RTT does) I like 1st Alchemist Companion Julianne (or something like that) because it supposedly gives you tons of new alchemical items. I've only really played RTT though.
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Here are 3 comnpanions that dont "stall" the main quest,but they need a completion of a side-quest-line:Adoring fan,well known,from completing the arena side quest line,Any mage aprentice from the mage guild quest line.If you are planning on using this i reccomend you get a mod for upgrading theyre armor or get another companion to help them suriveve(yes to help they are weak in health but if protected they can proove a valuable ally).The last companion youy could try is ANY of the knights of the nine,wich ,ofcourse, you can earn by completing the "Knights of the nine" quest line,wich isnt long at all!
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