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Stealthboy revamp


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Alright, so I've perused the request forum a bit and really didn't find any requests that fit what I'm looking for. To start it off I haven't even attempted to use the GECK yet as I've just recently in the past few days fixed up my FO3 computer so I'm much more interested in playing rather than tinkering right now.


I'm no longer playing vanilla and instead am using many extreme realism mods (along the lines of oneshot to torso or head=death), AlternateStarts mod and the Role-playable Professions mod so I can immerse myself the way I want too. I'm playing an assassin character and quite frankly I want a better stealth-boy. Not one that completely unbalances the game though. Vanilla stealth-boy's are alright in the fact that they turn off after a certain period of time but it REALLY bugs me that it's considered a consumable. Stealth-boy's were never consumable before in FO1&2(Remember Nightkin?) and it was like magic when you finally found one. What I'm requesting is a stealth-boy that is not consumable, that is nice and rare ( aka. none to find in the museum of tech), consumes either microfusion, energy cells or fission batteries to remain in operation and, if at all possible, the player can "switch" what kind of stealthfield it generates(25%, 50% etc..) in relation to how much of its power source is being consumed over a period of time. For example: the stealthboy will consume 24 microfusion cells over the course of 6 game hours in order to operate a constant 50% stealthfield.


This, to me, would be how a stealthboy should work in FO3. Who else agrees or who else has any suggestions?

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You mean I can wear the stealthsuit with any other type of armor with it? Or I have to be wearing THAT specific armor? I'd rather wear a pre-war business suit assassinating people rather than always have to be wearing a stealthsuit.
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it... makes... you.... invisible.


That, and it takes 5 minutes with geck to turn the stealth armor into, say, a wearable teddybear nosering.

(well, actually not likely since the teddybear will be everywhere but where it's supposed to be but you get the idea)

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