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List of the Dead...?


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Would it be possible to generate some kind of cumulative list of named NPCs that have been killed? It would be very helpful, when you go looking for someone and they seem to have disappeared, to know whether they were eaten by a dragon or something! I could see this working very well with the MCM. I know that you often get "inheritance" from such characters, but not always. This could be like a newspaper obituaries thing, that tells how each person died, but a simple list would do the trick.

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You could possibly add a script that would add their name to a list upon death, though you'd have to exclude things like Bandits and Dragur.


This is an idea that I've been looking for since Oblivion came out. If someone with experience could put together a script, like that, it would be great. As for the list including all the nameless NPCs/enemies, I dont think that would be such a big problem. Maybe you can write a search algorithm that searches through and deletes parts of the list that have common enemy names(bandit, Dragur, etc). I don't know much about skyrim scripting, but it seems pretty simple from a programming perspective...

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this would be simple to do. But VERY time consuming! You would have to write a script for EVERY named NPC and incorperate those into another global script. It would take ages....

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  • 2 months later...

It seems like it must be simpler than that, shadowform- I mean, couldn't one just reference whatever script sends those silly condolance letters? You know.. where someone dies, and you get a letter from the Jarl and 90 septims or something...? That script already exists, so obviously the game keeps track of who's died... Maybe someone could simply set up an MCM menu that accesses whatever the game already references?

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