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Experianced modders help needed


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I want to build a mod, and animation, but I have NO experience with building mods or animations. I don't know how to do anything, I don't even know where to begin. I Need help. what I want to do is build a shoulder holster for pistols, revolvers and SMGs for New Vegas. And I want an animation to match, so when the weapons holstered, it sits in the sling under the arm, like it would in a real life situation. Also, My character is a wanderer, so he wears a back pack and a satchel, I'd like for it to not cancel out the back pack or his satchel. I don't know if that's something that's possible or not. If anyone is familiar with the Flashlight NVSE mod, then you'll know what I mean when I say I want it to fit like the tactical harness. which basically is what I'm looking for. just add a holster, and an animation to that and you'll have it.

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Creating custom armor and adding it in game, which you will need for the holster. As well as animation tutorials:



There are not alot of animators out there, most likely because I hear it is difficult and a pain in the butt to do. So I wish you luck.

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Yeah, your best bet is to start by just messing around with armor and getting used to your choice in program (Blender/Max/Maya/ect) before you jump head first into animations.

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Depends on what three you're talking about..


The core files you need are these:

- Blender 2.49b
- Python 2.6.6
- Pyffi 2.1.11
- NIFscripts 2.5.8


All of which are already included in the Portable Blender link I provided.


Or.. if you really want to, you can manually install each piece.. the links for those are posted on the NifTools site under the 'Blender 2.49 Recommend Downloads' section.

Edited by ArekkusuStorm
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