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Cbbe 3BA physics manager problem.


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It says the Json failed to load and I can't tell if it's affecting anything but it's still annoying me to see that message, I had updated everything to the newest versions that's required for body physics and now I'm getting this error. Anyone know of a fix to this?

Edit: Found the problem, just needed to update to the latest Papyrus.

Edited by moss129
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Perhaps po3's Papyrus Extender ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22854 ),

or Papyrus Util by exiledViper and meh ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13048 ) - this is listed as a requirement for 3BA.

your second link was new to me, so I checked it to see if it might help me. Sadly I can't, as I run under 1.5.97


OP, to potentially avoid further complication, and in no way meant to diss 7531Leonidas's advise, be aware that its own "requirement section" doesn't say it, but if you read the full description you'll find that this is for "AE" only, not skyrim SE 1.5.97



2. Requirements

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To clarify: CBBE 3BA itself works for both SE and AE. Some of its requirements have different versions for SE and AE though.


Basically, you can refer to the "requirements" section of CBBE 3BA - with one exception:


The linked HDT-SMP only works for SE and VR. If you want to use CBBE 3BA with AE, you need Faster HDT SMP instead. BTW, you can also use the "faster" version with SE - which might give you slightly better performance.


In case of CBBE 3BA, "the latest Papyrus" definitely means this one:



It has versions both for AE and SE. Both will work with CBBE 3BA.


Anyway, you have to make sure you got the latest versions of the required mods. This is especially important for CBPC. Otherwise CBBE 3BA won't work...

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Thanks for all of your help, but I'm still having the same issues. I have the latest update for papyrus installed but I still get the error message stating that the Json load file failed. I just can't seem to get the physics to work with my character. The physics work with all of my followers but just not mine. Any advice or solutions would be greatly appreciated.

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"json file load failed" means CBBE 3BA or it's requirements still aren't installed correctly. Make sure you have the latest version of PapyrusUtil - and the right one (for SE or AE - depending on your game version).

Also check in your mod manager, that absolutely nothing overwrites anything from "PapyrusUtil". Some mods come with older versions of PapyrusUtil...


If physics on your character don't work: You have to build a 3BA body in Bodyslide. Use "CBBE 3BB Body Amazing".

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Okay, so I did what you said. I was using UniquePlayer instead of CBBE 3BBB Body Amazing. I got it to work a little bit I think, but it's not the best jiggle physics. The Json Load error still keeps popping up and I inspected everything to make sure I updated and am using the right version but it's still giving me the error message. On the next page are some screenshots of the problems I'm having with Nexus and files..

Edited by petergryphon93
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