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Pariah - a game that I only recently noticed; but, as it is looking very promising, I thought I would enlighten those of you that haven't heard of it. For now, I'm just going to overview it:


-A first-person shooter for PC, XBox, and possibly PS2

-Incredible graphics; ultra-impressive textures

-Good Physics

-You play a drug-addicted medic stranded on a devastated, desolate planet known as Earth


-Easy to use, deep, intuitive level editor included on all systems

-Vehicle support

-Modify and upgrade your weapons

-An involving [GASP!!!] storyline in an FPS

-Multiple Endings


Check here for more info:



Also, check the IGNXbox or IGNPC previews. I can't find the links right now because I have to read 130 more pages of Ivanhoe and do a project on it within the next 5 hours.


I'll add more later.


P.S. The screenshots don't do it justice. Watch the trailer on the website.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've just read the PCZone preview of this (first for games, all year round) and i'm really excited. If all their claims of having a decent storyline, along with all the other Unreal goodness from these guys, then we could be looking at a very hot prospect on our hands. That is, after we're all done upgrading and playing until our eyes bleed with HL2. B)
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This looks pretty cool, but I can't help think bad thoughts every time a game is released on multiplayer platforms at one time.


Look at San Andreas: it's coming out on PC (maybe Xbox) in August '05.


Anyway, that's the only thing I have against it.


Love the "story" aspect. :lol:



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The story's what I want.... It's been a good while since any FPS had a good storyline. Since any game, actually, has had a good storyline.


Take Halo for example - too many losers say "Oh, man - Halo's story is incredible!" And I have only one thing to say - what story? ;)


Let's hope the multiplatform plague can be overcome. Because if it can't, Oblivion's gonna suck.

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