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Which Military Branch would you rather serve?

Tiber Septim

Which Military Branch will you rather serve?  

111 members have voted

  1. 1. Read the instructions and story for more further details

    • United States Marine Corps.
    • United States Army
    • United States Air Force
    • United States Navy

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Recently there was this nationwide inspection of law enforcement contract validation. Who would have figured that the department i work for is currently a damn invalid contract. We are working off a contract that was put in place when the last police chief was still in charge.. apparently that's illegal..and also.. apparently i'll be out of a job soon..SO...i'm either going to join a neighboring cities police dept or go back to the military. No bypass detours for me either.. i'll have to go through basic again,pass the crucible,take the 9 mile walk back to base all that good stuff. Now.. this is from the mouth of a recruiter so who knows if it's true..but he says i will be able to maintain the rank i seperated with. i really don't wanna start from the bottom again.


Maybe once i'm active again i'll request transfer to tibers post, never gave orders to someone i met on the net before lol.(well.. there was that one chick from craigs list.. never mind that though)


join the PD, I always wanted to be a police officer, my training was rather not traditional.... if you know what I mean ;)

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Maybe once i'm active again i'll request transfer to tibers post, never gave orders to someone i met on the net before lol.(well.. there was that one chick from craigs list.. never mind that though)

Really.I on the other hand love giveing orders.In the proper attire of course! :biggrin:

Back on topic!


For me personally I have a special place in my heart for anyone that stands a watch to protect us,no matter what branch of the military. Gotta love a guy in uniform.

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Maybe once i'm active again i'll request transfer to tibers post, never gave orders to someone i met on the net before lol.(well.. there was that one chick from craigs list.. never mind that though)

Really.I on the other hand love giveing orders.In the proper attire of course! :biggrin:

Back on topic!




Now that's my kinda lips





hey dude.. you make enough money to quit posting or what? share the wealth man lol.

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Hi y'all! I'm back!

I'm caught with 3 frustrating things right now. If you followed my US Armed Forces Fort Tenpenny Mod, you'll know what my problem is. Broken Steel is "Broken Still", Patch v1.5 is destroying my Fallout 3 and I've been asked to do some snipin' for the recruits, which I can't snipe... Maybe i'll call ya, Roe. LOL!


About the Bet, the Major stopped givin' me 200 bucks each week. Heck, i don't think he ate somethin' yesterday

So far i just spend 20 bucks for a nice boxers, the recruits and the officers always laughed at my old boxer(It's rather embarrassing wearing pink heart boxers, y'know. Especially when your pants slipped down) . The Drill Sarge who went for a "Holiday" just came now. It's really late for him. And now i'm free to walk around the camp just like the old days.... Oh yeah, With my new boxer of course :D


Hey, Roe! What "Orders" did you gave to that Chick at Craigs List..... Anyway who doesn't like givin' orders to someone? Well one of my squadmates does but Nevermind him! That's why i'm Squad Leader at Baghdad!


Oh, yeah! Some additional questions to ask. I don't know this but People said that getting into the 1st Marine Div is hard. I don't know because it was my First Div since i was still a Private and never had a transfer before.

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Yeah that 1.5 patch is a killer. glad i never downloaded it,but you can see all over the forum ppl screaming about how their games have gone to hell over this one patch. i try to stick to as less patching as possible. i know if there is a patch then a good 90% of my mods will be crap to the new version i've updated.


As for the boxers.. i laughed a good while when you said they were pink.. reminds me of a similar story of this green guy that got linked up with my unit for a couple months...we use special shorts under our pants to keep the sand from removing our skin and giving us mass crotch rot.. but he decides to wear tighty whities... it's also extremely unfortunate for him that the first pair of underwear he puts on has this highway sized streak of brown going straight down the crack of his ass... we all stayed clear of him when dressing for mission..his name was mark.. so we called him "s h i t mark"...was funny for a long while.


I dunno how hard it is to get into the first Mar, i was sent to the 2nd after basic and stayed in it until seperation.. minus the times i had to go to the PT division or Hospital treatment..but i'll find you regardless...just.. don't shoot if you wake up and see a strange guy staring at you..

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My Broken Steel is now "Fixed Steel" somehow. Davis, a recruit played my Fallout 3. (I allowed him to sleep late) And i was damn surprised when he played it without a single crash or whatsoever. Heck, he's battlin' the Enclave at Adams Air Force Base.


About that Pink Boxer Accident, i was watchin' the recruits. My pants are too big for me and i forgot to use my belt. I wasn't even realized that my pants slipped down. I just noticed it when their Drill Sergeant left to take a leak, and the whole platoon laughed at me. I laughed too, because i could do nothin'. Even the Captain(forgot his name) slapped my ass and laughed at me. Oh.. and my Pink Boxer got holes on it because that's what i'm wearing in Baghdad. Good thing it didn't slipped in combat.


Well i f i see someone staring at me like that, i'll stare at you back too. Then i went to the toilet to take a leak with you following and staring at me. Then I go to the shooting range with you still following and staring at me. Then i'll start follow you and stare you back. The Results: :wacko: and we're kicked out of the Corps.


However, this makes me remember when all 5th Regiment was rallied in Al Anbar Province. Me and Darren played some staring to eyes game(BOREDOM IN THE FRONTLINES). whoever Closes the Eyes First loses. I always won, but lose when Joe got lucky. A wind blow straight to my eyes. Then we played tag. But those who are in the game must run like gay people. Some Happy memories in the front.....

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Rofl. Tiber? You okay there?

Something that's fun is professional-grade airsoft :D.

I went to a mil-sim game last weekend with some friends, and there was an active duty Air Force member there. Nothing compares to sniping somone from 100 yards with a pellet rifle that's active duty.... (His AK couldn't hit me at that range.)

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It's simply booooorrrrrrriiing in there :wallbash: . Really nothin' to do. Well...Except when we spot an insurgent. Then we'll get to action. Heck, i'll be happy if we dance. I've dance in the streets of Baghdad with my squadmates(that wasn't the silliest things we've done there) We're wackos :wacko: you know.
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Well, I'm going to throw in my two cents, as the resident Middy here... I'm utterly shocked that the Chair Force received more votes then the Navy, but oh well (all in good fun there). Echoing Gunnery Sergeant, the Navy and Marine Corps are defiantly "brothers". For example Marines can volunteer/get volunteered for sea duty on board Navy Vessels, and Navy Corpsman travel with Marines. Also, while I'm a naval option Midshipman, a huge portion of my training is conducted by both a Marine Corps Officer and NCO. On that note, Tiber, do you happen to know a Staff Sergeant (now Gunnery Sergeant) Aguilar? He transferred from San Diego some time around December. Furthermore, I noticed someone mentioned wanting to go into satellites, well, the Navy does plenty of that. Operation Burnt Frost was conducted by an Admiral, not an Air Force General. While the Air Force may place more emphasis, its a field every branch is getting on board with, and at the end of the day, what do you want to be a part of? The Air Force? Or the Naval Services, which will provide you with more of a brotherhood after retirement. (And on a side note, the Navy is phasing in some wicked awesome camo work uniforms, anybody seen those? )
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Yeah,the Air force and the Navy for some reason don't get as much credit as they should. to many civilian stereotypes and not not enough experience. Sure the infantry and recon forces do their part,but if it wasn't for the air force and the navy i am pretty sure i'd still be stuck in the sandlands, or dead. Any time we had a coastline mission the navy would bomb the poo out of the area so we didn't have to worry about wasting to much ammo or getting wasted. anytime we had recon stints the navy would send out their predator aircraft a couple hours before we deployed and that way we'd have extremely detailed sat images on our GPS. God bless the damn navy. As for the air force..A big problem with any mission is the unknown,and the unknown usually comes in the form of ambushes. The air force had seperate missions that would link up with ours and many times they'd give us a heads up on incoming enemy forces and sometimes(when they were not packing daisy cutters) they'd even lend a hand by firing some scattered high caliber fire. When there was a high priority building target,that needed to be removed from the planet.. We figured why waste marine corps quality explosives when one F-22 with a guided missle can handle it for us.


Personally i always wanted to join the airforce to be a fighter pilot,but you need massive brain skills and in some cases you need college experience to even apply for fighter.. and i was to damn tall. Now i got college experience and during my years in the service i learned that the marines actually have their own aircraft. To late though lol. i have my own specialties and i am happy with what i learned and actually right now i'd rather stay out of the sky as much as possible.. anytime i took a transport helo into the sand countries. i was always looking out of the door searching rooftops for RPGs.. Not a fun recon...at all lol.


EDIT: on the navy camo uniforms. i heard about something pretty impressive but not sure which branch of the military. it might still be experimental. It's ironic when you say "phasing" cause that's exactly what it does. it literally bends light around the soldier/vehicle(in this case they tested a car) and it made the entire car pratically invisible. true inpressive technology. think i read about it in a scientific america mag.. so don't worry, it's all de-classified stuff. don't know if that's what you were talking about though

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