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Which Military Branch would you rather serve?

Tiber Septim

Which Military Branch will you rather serve?  

111 members have voted

  1. 1. Read the instructions and story for more further details

    • United States Marine Corps.
    • United States Army
    • United States Air Force
    • United States Navy

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You've got the same name as my favorite recruit. Anyway, Aguilar, eh? Hmmm... Heard his name before but i've been a lot longer in Diego than in Pendleton. But i think i heard that name. Is he your cousin or somethin'?


@Uncle Roe

Oh, damn. You haven't play with those Marine flyboys before? They're nice! Sometimes, when i'm bored in the fronts i talk with em' and help carry missiles or whatsoever. GOD BLESS THE NAVY AND THE AIR FORCE. Those Navy flyboys saved me and the whole platoon from death. Still remember the explosion of an F-22 blasted those fu@#ers out like a meat!

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I was in the Air Force from 2000 to 2004. I was stationed in Okinawa, Japan for the majority of that time. As far as I'm concerned, the only benefit from serving in the military is getting to see the world. When you enlist, you swear away all you rights given by the constitution. Sure it's a noble sacrifice, but I wouldn't recommend joining any branch of the military to someone who values their personal privacy or human rights. There are somethings you never know until you are actually in it, recruiters don't tell you the whole story, or even a quarter of it. Be careful what decisions you make. No offense intended, this is just what I took away from my experience in the armed forces.
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Marines do set a high standard. Usually i would be the last person to say don't join the marines. but if it's anything like it was during my last tour,i'd say pick another branch. Now..don't get me wrong,it's ALWAYS bad on the front.. but my last tour everyone was being sent there.. cooks,janitors,teachers.. if you graduated basic you probally spent at least a 4 month stint on the front. Even though marines get the better training..and we also get the better weapons in my opinion, we don't get the best deal when it comes to rules of engagement. alot of the time our mission will call for a recon and rescue.. which basically means we recon the area and rescue anyone who got sidetracked from their unit during mission or combat/ BUT.. it's the army that extracts us.. so when we find ourselves in a firefight, we have to take cover until the army arrives and helps us extract and during front missions an extraction can take from 5 hours to 15 hours on a good day to pull off,where as on a bad day you might be out for 3 days to a week before anything happens. So.. from experience i'd say if your looking for the ultimate clusterfook and vacation under mortar fire waiting for the army to rescue you..join the marines. Though right now i think you can get just as much a an exciting learning experience and have a better survival rate if you joined the army.but that's just me.
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The worst vacations i've ever had was 1 year ago, when we're sent to Al-Anbar, the boring-est places to visit. We did couple of fun things(see my post about it) but that fun doesn't last long. I ended up poking my squadmate with a stick. Fair enough, though.
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when it came to boredom,first thing we did was exercise,but that only gets the brains attention for so long. a friend of mine..who's name will forever be unknown due to his threat on my life and stuff.. once threw a dud XM47 into the officers tent.


was funny watchin them all run out and hit the ground.. we exercised after that.not by choice.


when i had got shot the first time, i stayed in this hospital for a couple months and they had xbox 360.. definitly my favorte kit-up memory of that tour. ironically i spent my time on the xbox killing terrorist...

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Whaa!!! That's cheatin' man! first time i was shot and i was brought to hospital, and they had no entertainment system. No TV, No PC but worse of all NO XBOX 360!!! Well, the only entertainment was this nurse..... uhh... Nevermind about that :P Anyway, sad i didn't bring along my Xbox 360 to Camp Pendleton, which i don't think i can.


Exercise, ehh? Yeah, we did that. infinite time of exercises. Heck, we even do some mini olympics. Long Jump, Relay Race and those stuff. Still didn't work for my squad. I just saw Bored Marines peeling boxes in YouTube. Ahh!! Good Idea!! Peeling Boxes would be Nice! Oh, some Mini Flamethrowers would be Nice too. But good thing is, we're not really isolated from the world. Now, Marines and Soldiers like us can use internet in the fronts. I don't know what provided the signal but whoever made it, i'll thank him.

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yeah we had relays between divisions. those were always fun. never won any of them but it was fun to run something that didn't involve dodging explosions. your lucky on the nurse thing though. all my nurses were male..and a few of them were a little to soft for my liking.


Yeah 2nd and 3rd tour out i brought my laptop to base.It's actually where i got into pc gaming.was also a quick way to mail home to let everyone i was doing ok. just the commander of the network building had his boys read our emails to make sure we were not spilling crucial information that could put us in trouble... so my "what i'm going to do to you when i get home" letters to my gf were a bit awkward to send but at the time i didn't really care. i also loved cleaning and customizing m M82A1. i musta put a good two thousand dollars on tweaking the thing,messing with the firing pin,smoothing grooves,custom fiber optic sights,custom grip fit for my hand size, custom paintjob,made my own tri-pod for it with a couple scraps and a welding machine. even a cushion on the back of the stock for my shoulder when the recoil hit.lastly.. and my favorite customization.. soldered on the muzzle stock of my rifle in very small letters "who's your daddy".. boy was i pissed when they wouldn't let me keep it when i quit.. what are they going to do with it? return it to the armory? it's gonna stand out that's for sure lol

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Your lucky you can modify your rifle like that. I ain't allowed to do such things. The only thing changed in my M16 is I changed my scope(apparently they shot past my scope Thank God it stopped at the middle of the scope) and i put "Avenge my Brother and all my Friends" in the butt stock. Couple of people noticed it and say, "What the hell happened to your brother?" I'd never want to answer that kind of question.
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I will put this into perspective, you can join the Army, Air Force and the Navy. But you become a Marine.



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