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Which Military Branch would you rather serve?

Tiber Septim

Which Military Branch will you rather serve?  

111 members have voted

  1. 1. Read the instructions and story for more further details

    • United States Marine Corps.
    • United States Army
    • United States Air Force
    • United States Navy

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Private Joker: Are those... live rounds?

Private Gomer Pyle: Seven-six-two millimeter, full metal jacket.

[Pyle smiles grotesquely.]

Private Joker: Leonard, if Hartman comes in here and catches us, we'll both be in a world of poo.

Private Gomer Pyle: I am... in a world... of poo!


Gotta be the marines, you get to play tribute to one of the best films of all time


Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Private Joker?

Private Joker: Sir, in the Marines, sir!

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: In the Marines! Outstanding! Those individuals showed what one motivated Marine and his rifle can do! And before you ladies leave my island, you will all be able to do the same thing

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Retired Navy Submariner here, Nuclear Propulsion Plant Mechanic. Fun times, lotsa drinkin', lotsa trouble makin', WHOLE LOTSA SCHOOLIN'. Seriously, if you joined the navy cause you didn't like school don't go nuke.


Subs are the best, people give ya sh*t about it, but that usually cause theyre to chikensh*t to volunteer subs.

Got nothing but good memories from the boat, minus not seein' the wife and all.....and the smell of boat.


To OHWceta: Corpsmen on the boat got the effin' life, you dont do crap 'cept drills, the monthly inspections, and give people motrin and seasick pills. Goin Diver is pretty hard, but you go down to Florida to try out so its a free trip, push-ups man, if you can do push-ups the rest is cake.


I'm probably going over to Undesignated Airman until I get to strike for my new job, It gets me shipped out sooner than corpsman. Do you know anything about Dolphin Trainer? I just recently learned it's an option and that's something I'd REALLY love to do.


I hate pushups, but I've doubled what I could do since I DEPped in so by the time I can try for Diver I should be up there.


Personally I would love to do Sub, I'm more comfortable underwater than in a city anyday.



What's with all the people who are up here like "I wanna be a Marine cause it was in a movie!" When it comes to pen and paper and joining almost none of you guys would be up to the challenge.


But on a more positive note, Master Chief is an actual rank in the Military (Not sure about other branches but I know it's a Navy rank for sure.

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Alright, sure the Marines have a lot of publicity in movies and games and whatnot, they got Master Chief, Commander Sheppard, and many others.


But guess what, the Acguy is part of the Zeon Navy and the Acguy is love! So take that!

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I dunno.. i am pretty sure i saw the marines logo on Optimus Prime recently...that pretty much spells ownage..


Nice to see ths thread is still moving. does tiber still post or has he moved on to better things? tiber?..you out there? hello?...hmm

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I respect you guys for sticking your necks out to protect us, but I wonder who REALLY appreciates what you do anymore?


I care for one and I'm a young american.My cousin was KIA in Iraq on Jan.6th 2005 and the heartache never goes away.I'm damn proud of all those who stand to fight for us and keep us free!

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I respect you guys for sticking your necks out to protect us, but I wonder who REALLY appreciates what you do anymore?


I care for one and I'm a young american.My cousin was KIA in Iraq on Jan.6th 2005 and the heartache never goes away.I'm damn proud of all those who stand to fight for us and keep us free!


I would probably not want to serve either of those branches. I'd rather stick with more intellectual pursuits rather.


However, I can proudly say I have an uncle who served in the Air force, serving his last tour in Iraq in 2006. He's retired now though and living in Italy for his retirement.


Also, I know I had a grandfather who served in the marines during WWII, and I have his army coat hanging on the back of my room's door.

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I dunno.. i am pretty sure i saw the marines logo on Optimus Prime recently...that pretty much spells ownage..


Nah, because everyone thinks the new Transformers sucks. Speaking of Transformers the Rail gun that took out Devestator was on an aircraft carrier correct? Therefore Navy.


I respect you guys for sticking your necks out to protect us, but I wonder who REALLY appreciates what you do anymore?


You know what, here's what I have to say to those unappreciative morons. *Edited because I don't want to be banned for flaming* Sure Bush made some stupid choices that ruined our stand in the world, but the truth is, children in Afganistan were thanking our men and women who served in the United States Military. Really, until you've served your country and have done something to deserve the freedom you love so very much, then you have no right to whine about anything. I'm not attacking you personally BTW, you're just the messenger.

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