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Everything posted by Syntax1985


    ive never made a mod, ive just re-skinned other peoples mods.

    so dont ask me , your wasting your time.

    as for using my skins, as ive stated in all read me's = i don't care, use away, just give credit to myself & the actual modder.

    my inbox is full of messages from people that don't read descriptions...

  2. lol your not a snooty know it all, if you hadn't done that i would prob still be laughing at it. you did me a favour
  3. superman the flash id just get superman to do EVERYTHING, and if someone shows up with his ONLY weakness cryptonite, id get the flash to take it away.
  4. you would constantly take your car to a mechanic till it was working perfectly right? don't treat your body any less. go get checked out. it might be crappy having needles & meds now but think about the future.
  5. nah wasn't you, i just felt bad for mocking it when it turns out to be true! ty for kudos, i gave u one earlier for the info :)
  6. hi blacklegion,

    you mentioned adding enchants to the cbbv3 armor reskin mod,

    just wondering how you would do this? i have the CK but im not to tech swavy,

    if u could give me a step by step, even if its just for the nightingale remod would be greatly appreciated

  7. oh wow.... now i feel like a massive d*** head.... i thought it would be impossible. i just checked the links on the original mail, none of them post to the avaaz's proper site, just some rubbish "mock". this is now the worst spam ive got, i actually hate the person that sent it to me. Originally i thought it was a "hey im a rich prince and need some cash to open my bank..." made up rubbish i normally get, but taking a real problem where people are suffering, then imitating they're charity to make a quick buck... that's just sick... i made a small donation to the official site, i feel so bad about it.. not to mention theyre campaigning against CISPA, just makes it worse theyre trying to help me ( and everyone else online.. ) aswell ><. Ty Mercbird, i did do a google aswell but gave up pretty quickly assuming it was complete BS.
  8. cover ups always an option
  9. i use a hdtv, honestly, my advise, get some cheap speakers. not only are the sounds issues annoying as hell, at least if your cheap speakers die = meh, if your tv speakers blow = OMFG ><
  10. tempting... but im gonna hold out for bacon covered chocolate. thats what we all want really.
  11. yeah lol, although why would they lie about something so stupid.... you cant even shave the back of someone's head without them noticing, how the hell do u remove a uterus ??!?!? at least the robbery ones "could" pass as a true story, this one sounds like an urban legend lol!
  12. i removed the 100 links incase someone decided to click on them... :P "Uzbekistan's dictator is forcing doctors to cut out women's uteruses without their knowledge" = WTF LOL "tens or even hundreds of thousands of women were sterilised " entire population of the country = only 29 million. lets assume its 50/50 men/women, that's a huge % to sterilise without anyone noticing... the boiling people alive bit is true apparently according to google, but the rest of it is complete bs... well this email gave me a lol, so thought id share :), i got it on my phone so i removed all the links & pics etc before forwarding to my pc. the sad thign is someone , somewhere, is touched by this story & is opening their wallet now to donate... o.0
  13. not really about a specific game, but games in general. when i used to play games on xp, specifically sim games ( anno, sim city, sims 3 ect ) where time is a huge factor, i used to set things up, minimise, watch a episode of the simpsons, then jump back into the game to see my resources ect had collected over time. however now using windows 7, and previously vista, my games pause when minimised. its not just paticular games, its all. sims 3 anno 1401 + venice X3 just cause 2 C&C RA3 list goes on ( yup i have no life :P ) anyone know how to stop this ?
  14. the main problem with steam = forced updates. if i wanna turn on my pc, and play kotor 2, i should be allowed to. run exe and go. but oh no, first of all, steam wants to update. then, steam wants to update my game. i click cancel, il do it later. so the game stops loading, i reload, and what a suprise, it wants me to bloody update again. steam thinks im retarded and couldnt possibly decide myself how to manage my games.. there for, i hate it.
  15. steam does suck, u dnt have to use it, i used it purely to d/l the client, and to give steam credit there downloader sure beats CCp's ftp. once the game accounts made uninstal steam. ty for offer but i already got a char, was just letting others know :P £8.99 is cheap, i think official site way of getting game is £20 ish
  16. ok, so alot of people who have heard of eve online have prob tried the 2 weeks trial, lets face it, 2 weeks is long enough for you to finally learn your character sucks, has no decent skills and cant do jack all compared to what everyone else is running arround doing. on a 2 week trial in the world of eve, your placed inside a highschool disco and thats right, your the kid sitting on the bench, in the corner, wishing they wernt there. Well not anymore! if you trial eve online via steam, you get 21 days free. that extra time can see you packing a punch in a frigate by the end of it, pvp'ing, running missions or pirating. or say u wanna go miner? u will have all the base skills needed to jump in a mining barge if you activate the game within a few days, youll have tech II ( most powerfull ) mining lassers and be making a bomb. no one has an excuse anymore, 21 days is long enough to really get a feel for the game, really develop your character and get a head strong idea where you want to go. everyone should try the trial! and if that wasnt good enough, almost a month free of EVE, steam offer you the chance to upgrade to full game for just £8.99 including 1 month free :D 2 months of the best game ever made for £8.99 ? :P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ p.s. if you buy the game post about it, if enough people join maybe we can start a Nexus corp :P
  17. he jailbreaking his ipod touch not normal ipod
  18. Syntax1985


    well this games been out in korea for a while now ( i think 2 years ) and so far no mention as of yet of free to play, im assuming it will be £10 per month. not being funny but far to much money went into making this game to make a profit soley from peopel paying £3 here and there for a in game T-shirt. Depends if it flops of not. so far NCsoft have no free to play games in such a money ( cash item store ) however they do offer slight inhancements for cash E.G = Guildwars - buy bonus missions, extra character slots, skill unlocks = non of them unbalance game to normal players. Tabula Rasa was a huge flop for NCsoft and even that remains pay 2 play. Edit: just found this = ~: Source AionOnline.com {F.A.Q} :~
  19. i know i keep singing like a fan boy but check these guys out, http://www.cyberpowersystem.co.uk / .com for usa i find them to be the cheapest after tons of research, great service as well. would it not be cheaper / better for 2x ati 4890's 1gb ? your mobo has a built in HD 7.1 surrond. id drop that its not needed. your spending too much on uneceaary. not being funny but if i spent that much on a comp 5 years ago i wouldnt be playing crysis on the same machine now. future proofing is tricky subject but if for an unlikely example, DX11 came out next year, youd be slapping yourself. P.s. No. get kapersky. http://static.squidoo.com/resize/squidoo_images/-1/draft_lens3221692module20344612photo_1236830457kstat.JPG
  20. Syntax1985


    i know theres a few old aion threads but i thought id make a new one as a review + feed back from others playing beta. well i bought the Aion beta key from my local GAME store ( uk ) it was only £2 so i thought what the heck. i was pretty anoyed to be honest to get home, open the case and find a card inside the case with my key, nothing else. which ment i had to then download a 9gb instalation file to play. so keep that in mind before anyone grabs the beta set from shops. i wasnt expecting alot from aion to be honest, im looking forward to much for KOTOR online to care about much else at the moment. and my first impressions were a bit "meh" when looking at the site. character creation is what really peaked my intrest, you pick from one of two factions ( simular to wow ) and one of four classes ( which each split into 2 differnt choices later on ), being one of those rare wierd peopel that actually really enjoys playing a healer, i took the role as priest. as far as skill sets go, character creation had none. although its rare in mmo's i did see this in conan, ragnorak and a couple of others, i like to be able to choose stats etc. but that aside, the creation is very advanced and pretty much garentees no 2 characters will look alike, which is always a plus for me. { Note, i havnt rescalled these images from a 1920 resolution, so may take time to load on slower net connections } Character creation screen basic Character creation screen advanced Another nice thing for those of you that hate going into so much detail, there are tons of preset heads + bodys to choose from, so its still easy to get the character you want. i entered the game expecting to be grinding for 500 hours to get to level 2 after playing NCsofts lineage 2 game, or hitting max level in 5 minutes, Cough guild wars :P but it seems after many years, NCsoft have finally found the perfect balance between leveling, and the curve is wonderful. it took me about 4 hours to hit level 10, which is were you choose your proper class ( for me as a priest i had the choice between chanter ( buffer ) or Cleric ( healer ) ) and it didnt seem tedious at all, the quests were fun, and theres alot of movies ( guild wars style ) to make a compelling storyline. the game play again is very customizable, you can play modern type W,A,S,D run arround jumping + killing movement, or quickly change to baldurs gate birds eye click and move. and everythign between. which is what the strongest point of Aion is, its freedom to the player. play who you want, how you want. nt to mention the game is designed to run on pretty much all systems. im playing on max specs and at first i thought the graphics should be better, but then i remebered Conan, and what a flop that was because only 5% of the worlds population could play it. and only 0.001% wanted to. aion, although maybe not super HD and enough bloom comming off your screen to give u a suntan, does have the guildwars + lineage 2 attention to detail, the characters look great and the scenery is very diverse. My character in max settings =============== anyway back to gameplay, the whole "flying" thing turned out to be gimmick, you can only fly in certain zones and for a limited time. this is normally based on quests arround flying ( killing flying monsters etc ) and mass pvp between the 2 factions is mainly done in-air. however when you are flying, you have full control over where you go, which is fun in a game this size. another thing is there is actually stuff in the sky, its not just you flying in a open air boring sim, theres places to go, peopel to see etc, so although limited, it is a huge aspect of the game. weeee im flying This is what gives the game an edge, the wanting to explore'ness The people in the game seem very helpful, friendly and chatty, but you have to keep in mind this is beta, everythigns for "fun" here, in the real game your going to have power gamer's, self declared "pro's" gold sellers etc, but somethign that is very nice is how well the party system works, exp is boosted ( as in most mmo's) but the classes just ALL seem to work with each other, theres no "omfg hes a rouge, ditch him hes useless in a party" they all seemed designed to fill a purpose in group gameplay. The game is "expensive" im getting about 40coins per kill, it costs 500 for the mana potions for my level ( 11 ), so not the most pleasent marketing world, i cnt comment to much about trade as no one does it ( beta-laziness) but there are jobs ( gathering /crafting) so i guess theyre trying to place more emphasis on buying from players rather then npc shops. ================ Conclusion - i actually am really enjoying myself playing this game, which is something i couldnt of said about other mmo's ive played recently. im enjoying the storyline enough to want to knwo what will happen next, im enjoying exploring this diverse world, im enjoying the quests, as there kinda WoW style ( not all "go kill 5 of this" "go take this pie 50,000 miles to fred the pie eater for 5exp" etc although theres obviously some of that in there) grouping is a joy due to compatabilty between classes, and the play style feels "loose", i dont feel the need to whck out a pocket calculator and start running numbers on how to get the highest magical crit etc. if you took the questing system from wow, the storyline system from guild wars the beatifully detailed world from lineage 2 and the character styling from final fantasy online, and whacked em in a blender, youd have Aion. and its one nice tasting smoothi. --------------------------------- Am i going to pay 2 play this game on release? prob not, im going to see if i "miss it", ive got my heart set on KOTOR online to be honest. Do you recommend i buy the beta ? 101% yes, its well worth it for just £2, and you also get a free hat that gives + exp bonus and a fire emote on the real game when launched, that is of course, you can stomach the 9gb download. Is this going to beat wow? of course not, wow has to many fan boys. but based on purely fun / diversity / storyline etc, it already has in my books. ( Seriously, i dont want wow fan boys posting here saying im wrong, this is my PERSONAL opinion, take it somewhere else.) --------------------------------- This is my first ever proper attempt at a review so i hope its helpfull to some people. ive only scratched the surface of this game but if youd like to know anything in paticular, please ask below and il do my best to answer A.S.A.P. id love to know what others have thought that have tried Aion, and what others who havnt impressions are of the game.
  21. vicICE is right on wattage, im using the same card and 6gb ddr3, i had to get a 850w to accompany everything in my comp.
  22. just to put your mind at ease, from what i read while researching my i7, the bracket 30-70* is more then ok, 32*c is a more then safe so i think the others are right it must be a saftey mech. No disrepect to members of Nexus, but these guys over at tech-forums.net live and breathe this kinda stuff, your prob best off asking there, i use it for al my comping probs and i normally get the correct answer within an hour.
  23. i dont understand that, so u get RRoD from overheating, why doesnt it go away after system has cooled down? i was always told it was something to do with overheating loosing soldering?
  24. as much as i love boba, i would put my money on the predator - Boba Fett = Jett pack Missiles Lasser pistols Grappling hooks Targeting computer tin can armor ( prob just a tiny bit more protection then a storm trooper ) Predator = Acid blood can turn invisble multiple visor telescope (Infrared, Ultraviolet, Thermal Imaging, Low-Light Amplification, Electromagnetic Field Detection Targeting system and Air Density Pressure ) bad ass blades on back of wrist Shoulder mounted plasma canon spear gun ( sniper rifle ) Gauntlet plasma bolt gun Net launcher Laser nets Combat staff / throwable spear "smart disc" ( the saw disc thing they use to cut through thick metal etc instantly..) Shuriken's Whips And finally, just to make sure even if boba does win, a self destruction device will ensure hes dies. Ceremonial daggers. Its a pointless comparison IMO, Boba is a bounty hunter. Predator's are 1 man army's.
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