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Which Military Branch would you rather serve?

Tiber Septim

Which Military Branch will you rather serve?  

111 members have voted

  1. 1. Read the instructions and story for more further details

    • United States Marine Corps.
    • United States Army
    • United States Air Force
    • United States Navy

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Like I said, Im no expert on this. So I am going with what I have seen in movies and things.


I mean, the British govenment is pretty cheap. And it's not like they spend it on other things for our country. If you lived here you would have heard about the government members using Britians money to buy new homes for them, and for their ducks (long story). We're so cheap that at one point, we were sending in un-armoured range rovers to Iraq for the troops to us.


Anyway, I'd still like to be part of the SAS. The names just cool. Although, so is USMC...

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all governments are like this :P

corrupt vicious puppets of the banking groups... but to be honest its not easy to manage all that slave taxes, we had at one point for example shoe polish which will last for the next 90 years for the whole army accumulated in one base :rolleyes: not to say the other bases didnt have any lol, but hey shoe polish is vital for any good looking army, much more than lets say G11s which were scrapped to buy shoe polish (exaggerating here, of course a G11 costs more than shoe polish but not that much more than a G36)


but i agree SAS sounds badass :D

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For everyone who seems to be looking up stuff so they can post about it: wikipedia is NOT your friend.


As far as which branch to join, the realistic way to look at it is the determine the type of life you wish to live. Do you want a pampered, comfortable life akin to living in college while being paid for it? Air Force.

Want to see combat and have a productive career while not being a brainwashed, jargon-spouting zombie and still have options/time for family? Army.

Want to travel and maximize your experiences in life, further your education without being stuck in a campus, advance quickly up the ranks and look good while you do it? Navy.


The only questions you have to ask yourself are how far do you plan to take your career and how comfortable do you want to be while you do it. Everything else is just propaganda, recruiter jargon and bull.

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The Movies and News are also not your friends.


The movies and games exaggerate EVERYTHING just to attract viewers, no you wont be some s*censored*y hero like Master Chief for saving the world from aliens, you'll be more like the Generic Clone Trooper who might get 2 lines in the movie before going offscrean and not being important enough to mention in the show again.


The News...well. They make us look like baby killers and invaders in a country that we should have never entered trying to force our beliefs on a nation that would rather us not. When in reality the people are thanking us, their kids admire us, we are heroes to them. Regardless of whether or not the War on terror is wrong, the military does SO MUCH MORE than just shoot and kill "bad guys". Unfortunately the news cannot show anything positive and must resort to negative scare tactics to turn the population against one random thing or another. EVERYTHING on TV about the Military is baised in one way or another.


And Woogiemonster, did you forget to post Marines?


I think it's funny how everyone here says Marines, sure it sounds exciting, but I bet most of you couldn't even pass the tough exams to get into the Army, Airforce, or Navy, let alone become a Marine. Based on the reading I've done Marines are the hardest branch to join and only the best of the best make it (The FEW, the proud, the Marines). Don't be so quick to decide, it's not just about which on is "cooler" because overall they're all something that you should be proud to join, just the different jobs available require different skills and the things you do and places you go will differ from branch to branch. (Sometimes, as a Navy Corpsman I can work with Marines.


Is there a list posted somewhere of the list of requirements (minimum) for each branch?

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Number one: After reading this thread, it is highly unlikely I will ever visit this forum again, so you needn't bother responding, unless you just ache to.


Number two: Jaysus, you make alot of good points. I disagree with some as do others, but I wanted to say that not only does most of it make sense, most if it is plain and simple fact! There's never been anyone as patriotic as me, but I also make it a point to understand how all this stuff works(at least what I can understand without a TS clearance) I was pretty shocked how long it took for someone to finally define what a militia is. Doesn't anyone know about the second amendment and the many arguments about what a militia is, and who is really supposed to get the guns and whatnot?? Come on America...


Number three: God bless all of you who serve your country in any way shape or form, but don't forget to get your butts out there and vote! And don't go R or D, READ the damned stuff!!


Number four: Tiber, I have never heard a Marine in all my life say any of the following--"furlough","squad","squadmates","blue dress uniform",and especially "Drill Sarge". Chief Petty Officer in one year?? That's E-7 for those of you that are a little foggy on the subject. That takes 8+ years to attain. Maybe less under special circumstances, but certainly more than one year!! Gunny also takes that much time. I've only known TWO staff sergeants in my life that made that rank in four years, you make Gunny in 3-4????? Tell us some stories about Corporal and Sergeant's courses and how long each of them are. Tell me about the series 8000. Tell me what a cutting score is. I must admit maybe the lingo has changed over the years, and I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, but "Drill Sarge" was the straw that broke the camel's back. Where I come from they call them "Drill Instructors", and there is no slang or shortened term for it. You don't call them "DI's", and you damn sure don't disrespect the entire Marine Corps by calling them drill sergeants!!! And what did you mean when you said you were thinking about "quitting the corps"??? You don't quit the Marine Corps unless you want to go to jail. Ever heard of the UCMJ??? I didn't think so. Further more, I made Sergeant in two years, eight months-a massive achievement, but I was one badass marine. You talking about making Gunny right after me?? Bullsh**!! I am a Marine, but I didn't vote because I think your poll along with this thread is a big waste of time and space. I only kept reading because I was mesmerized by your complete lack of respect for this country. You have the nerve to come on and say sorry you didn't know what was going on because you are too lazy to read long posts?? You're talking to the people who took the time to play a part in your little game. And why wouldn't they let you take a laptop to Pendleton??? After all, you were a "Staff Sergeant" at the time!! Last I checked, Staff NCO's and above were gods in my Marine Corps. Sorry for the long post, but I bet you'll finish this one!!


And lastly, a much earlier post by someone said since he was already an NCO, he didn't have to worry about being Enlisted. Was I the only one that read that?? An NCO IS ENLISTED!!! To be specific, an NCO is Corporal and Sergeant, and ONLY corporal and sergeant!! Below that is non-NCO, above that is staff-NCO. Above that are the Warrant officers 1-5, then Company grade officers, then field grade officers, and then finally general grade officers. Can you name all four generals, Tiber?? Don't forget to Be My Little General...

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The Movies and News are also not your friends.


The movies and games exaggerate EVERYTHING just to attract viewers, no you wont be some s*censored*y hero like Master Chief for saving the world from aliens, you'll be more like the Generic Clone Trooper who might get 2 lines in the movie before going offscrean and not being important enough to mention in the show again.


The News...well. They make us look like baby killers and invaders in a country that we should have never entered trying to force our beliefs on a nation that would rather us not. When in reality the people are thanking us, their kids admire us, we are heroes to them. Regardless of whether or not the War on terror is wrong, the military does SO MUCH MORE than just shoot and kill "bad guys". Unfortunately the news cannot show anything positive and must resort to negative scare tactics to turn the population against one random thing or another. EVERYTHING on TV about the Military is baised in one way or another.


And Woogiemonster, did you forget to post Marines?


I think it's funny how everyone here says Marines, sure it sounds exciting, but I bet most of you couldn't even pass the tough exams to get into the Army, Airforce, or Navy, let alone become a Marine. Based on the reading I've done Marines are the hardest branch to join and only the best of the best make it (The FEW, the proud, the Marines). Don't be so quick to decide, it's not just about which on is "cooler" because overall they're all something that you should be proud to join, just the different jobs available require different skills and the things you do and places you go will differ from branch to branch. (Sometimes, as a Navy Corpsman I can work with Marines.


Is there a list posted somewhere of the list of requirements (minimum) for each branch?



You first need to pass the ASVAB test. Lowest score is a 31, or else you are a CAT-4. The Army takes CAT-4. You must pass drug tests, an all-day physical, high school diploma or GED. Some more, but don't remember all. Then after Basic, you go to School of Infantry for a month to be a grunt. Everyone else goes to Marine Combat Training for 17 days, and then of to school for their MOS (job). I was Signals Intelligence/Electronic Warfare. I had to pass the Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB). There's more much worse stuff after that. But don't let it deter you.


Navy Corpsman are the only service men from any other branch that Marines really respect (very sad, but very true). They go through one hell of a thirteen week course. Corpsman go everywhere with Marines. But when we go on ship to mingle with the Navy, they just call us "Combat Cargo" Being on ship was the most boring eight days of my life. Riding the L-CAC (landing craft air cushioned) back and forth was the only exciting thing.

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All the military branches are awesome, either way... They're helping our country.


Air Force, even though I probably wouldn't pass the test. I probably don't dream on going into it, but whatever.

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I saw a Marine standing outside of Toys R Us the other day for one of the donation things they have for the holiday season.


So I guess not all the jobs are what you see on the TV.



Oh, and when I was asking about the requirements I meant for the Physical exam. Like:


Pushups minimums for each branch, sit-ups for each branch, how fast you have to run a mile and a half, and whatever additional requirements there are for each branch. (I know the special forces like Diver and SEAL for the Navy have to do pull-ups and Navy has to Swim.)

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I saw a Marine standing outside of Toys R Us the other day for one of the donation things they have for the holiday season.


So I guess not all the jobs are what you see on the TV.



Oh, and when I was asking about the requirements I meant for the Physical exam. Like:


Pushups minimums for each branch, sit-ups for each branch, how fast you have to run a mile and a half, and whatever additional requirements there are for each branch. (I know the special forces like Diver and SEAL for the Navy have to do pull-ups and Navy has to Swim.)


Push ups are not a requirement for IST (Initial Strength Test) or PFT (Physical Fitness Test) in the Marines.

IST is max set of pull-ups, max set of crunches, and run a mile and a half in youre best time.

Additionally there are semi-annual CFTs (Combat Fitness Test) at which a marines must sprint a distance within a very short amount of time, complete a multistage obstacle course and perform a max set ammo can lift exercise (standard 40lb ammo can).


PFT is max pull ups, max crunches, and run 3 miles in youre fastest time.

Last IST I had I did 15 pull ups, 106 crunches and ran the mile and a half in 9:02

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