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Which Military Branch would you rather serve?

Tiber Septim

Which Military Branch will you rather serve?  

111 members have voted

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    • United States Marine Corps.
    • United States Army
    • United States Air Force
    • United States Navy

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If I were to join a branch of the US military, it would probably be the navy or air force, though I heard from someone that people wearing glasses can't join the air force and I don't know if it's true. Other than that, I would probably go with militia.


EDIT: Didn't really think about how mercs have NO backup and are next to impossible to contract as an individual, so I crossed that off too. I guess the whole "World War 3" scenario got me thinking unrealisticly. After all, what's the likelihood that would happen? The Cold War ended without nukes.

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That probably got the be the worse idea for a career, a mercanary. Pft.


No backing. Paid only by contracts. Anyone got youre back? Nope.


Besides doing something like that would require an immense amount of experience and training on youre part.

Even still, what you would you be fighting for? Money? Theres never been a more senseless reason to risk youre life.

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well you still fight for money just not your own if your in one of the "official" armies...


air force also takes people with glasses but not for flying a plane... you could prolly still haul cargo on planes or somin...


militia or mercenary?

lol... militias are illegal in most countries, you could however just take part in the civilian marksmanship program if youre an us american and get your m14 waiting for the next alien invasion...

mercenary without a group? as hrabec said thats most pointless... who would contract a single mercenary anyway? one without any training or experience? well good luck in the unemployment line... you wouldnt even know other able men as you never were in another merc or soldier outfit where you meet such people and could form a group for the contracts you might aquire and neither would you get contracts through other people who might aquire them and need men, not even speaking of the not available supply and stuff if you go alone...

furthermore would you become an outlaw in most places on earth as mercs are not really welcome anywhere, blackwater and co at least have the us gov backing them in their poo and get contracts from them

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I'd join the reserves, I mean, then I won't have to do anything besides getting drunk and shoot lamp posts at 04:00 AM. That's what any self-respecting human being would do >_<.


Why? Because if everyone joined the reserves, there would be no fighting. I mean, sure, on occassion you might drive by a flaming house with the tail of a helicopter sticking out of it, but that's a prize we gotta pay for freedom and the great alcohol industry combined.

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In the US, The official militia is usually considered the National Guard. Each state has its own National Guard, and they are tied to the US military. Each member is required to go through at least the basic school of which ever service - usually army or air force when they sign up. Most of the officers and NCOs are US military veterans. These are the guys who are called out by the governor of each state for local emergencies such as floods or riots. Most of the men you saw in uniform on news videos of Hurricane Katrina were National Guards taking time off from their regular jobs, and not active Military. They normally meet one weekend a month and perform 2 weeks of training every year.


The Reserves (Army, Navy, Air Force Marine and Coast Guard) are similar to the National Guard, in that they only go to meetings once a month, and training for 2 weeks a year. But they are actually a part of the military and subject to being called up in time of war (Many reserve members are serving in Iran or Afghanistan right now) Most Reservists have served at least 2 years of active military service, Many have served a lot more. Today, most reserve units are support troops, Engineers, Supply, MP, repair, and such.


As to the unofficial militias you hear about, most are just a bunch of nuts running around in the woods with guns. Few are really well organized If at all.


All US military branches accept applicants with glasses. However, some jobs will not be available to them (such as pilot). There are a lot more restrictions on pilots, for instance they will not accept people who are too tall, too short, with sinus or inner ear problems for pilot training.

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Out of those, I chose Marine. I wouldn't be any good at flying a plane, and the others don't appeal as much. If I joined the army, I'd rather be part of their intelligence, preferably developing weaponry and specifically doing field tests, but that wasn't an option. Being one of their scientists would be a lot safer, I'd imagine.
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If you have no idea which branch you would like to join and don't want to make a mistake taking the wrong MOS and end up in a desk until retirement, check out www.military.com . i've been a member for years and it even helped me prepare for the asvab.



Also.. some guy i've never seen before posted earlier,discrediting tiber.. YES... reaching e- 7 would take a decent amount of time.. i know 40 year olds that never even reached e-5 but that's because even though they enjoyed their job,they never pushed for advancement. You can reach any rank as NCo or Officer quickly enough if your willing to kiss the right amount of ass,shut up,bleed or make others bleed and overall get the job done perfectly. Just because you only know two sergeants that may have made rank early doesn't mean they were the only two..now you know two more lol..sides..tiber has been on the forums for a decent while and personally i could care less if he was a marine or lazy civilian, he's a good dude and you need to lay the hell off. come pick on me instead.. i'm an e-7 after 7 years of service and i'm 25...

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If you have no idea which branch you would like to join and don't want to make a mistake taking the wrong MOS and end up in a desk until retirement, check out www.military.com . i've been a member for years and it even helped me prepare for the asvab.



Also.. some guy i've never seen before posted earlier,discrediting tiber.. YES... reaching e- 7 would take a decent amount of time.. i know 40 year olds that never even reached e-5 but that's because even though they enjoyed their job,they never pushed for advancement. You can reach any rank as NCo or Officer quickly enough if your willing to kiss the right amount of ass,shut up,bleed or make others bleed and overall get the job done perfectly. Just because you only know two sergeants that may have made rank early doesn't mean they were the only two..now you know two more lol..sides..tiber has been on the forums for a decent while and personally i could care less if he was a marine or lazy civilian, he's a good dude and you need to lay the hell off. come pick on me instead.. i'm an e-7 after 7 years of service and i'm 25...



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