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Which Military Branch would you rather serve?

Tiber Septim

Which Military Branch will you rather serve?  

111 members have voted

  1. 1. Read the instructions and story for more further details

    • United States Marine Corps.
    • United States Army
    • United States Air Force
    • United States Navy

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If you live in a city with a major airport, one or two mornings of volunteering at their USO would be more than what 95% of American civilians do.

(One of those crappy "I Support the Troops" magnetic yellow ribbons on your car don't mean nothin' if you don't actually do something to support them... try to volunteer on Tuesdays if you can... that's when the bulk of new recruits ship for Basic).


I've volunteered there quite a bit. Only problem was that it was an hour commute, both ways.

It's a lot more practical, and more fun for me, to work and the National Guard base near my house. They're understaffed lately and can use all the help they can get in maintaining equipment.

I like working on the Humvees they get coming through there that are about to be repainted and shipped overseas. Love working on mechanical things, especially vehicles. I just eventually run out of money to do things to my Jeep.:thumbsup:

I do a little more than the usual volunteering though. If I see a soldier anywhere who's buying something, I usually pay for it for him/her.


Yesterday, I saw a Marine who lost his leg due to an IED sitting in a broken-down car on the side of the highway. I gave him a ride back to his house, and then without telling him I planned to do this, went back, bought the part to fix the car, fixed it and towed it back to his driveway.


No amount of volunteering up to seeing the look in someone's eyes when you go massively out of your way to help.

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@UK 47

Nice, but did you see the story first of all? It tells you if you are an US Citizen, what branch would you serve in, you should read properly.



Did you take a peek in his service dress or ask him what division he's from? Maybe he's one of my men who lost a leg. Never seen him again at the front.

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a little OT but need to say it so please forgive me

I support any and all people that give of themselves to protect our country. I too know what it is like to lose a loved one. My cousin was killed in Iraq on Jan 6th 2005. He was proud to go. Regular army for years then National Guard. I have a magnetic sign on my truck dedicated to him.My family and friends will never forget his or others sacrifices. His brother my other cousin is scheduled to go to Iraq soon.He too was regular army for years and now in the Guard. God bless all our troops...Back on topic, and thankyou.

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No, because I haven't heard of him since in Afghanistan. None of my squadmates bothered asking, but i'm still finding out.


It's ok, that's what we're talkin' about. I have a long furlough, 2 year. That's why i'm here in this forum. Anyway, thank you for your pleasant words, Dezdimona.

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If I was American, then It would be Marine Corps.


But since I'm british, it would either be: S.A.S or Royal Marines

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I'll be playing Defcon in a bunker... except this time, the megadeaths are real.


In a soviet vs. allies scenario, the army, airforce and navy are worthless. The only thing that matters are the satellites, the nuclear subs and the missle silos.


And remember, everyone dies. Everyone. :biggrin: Even the cockroaches. Earth will be a barren lifeless rock and there will be no life for the next million lightyears EVER.

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I served 7 years Marines. One tour afghanistan, 2 iraq. i can honestly say that i enjoyed most of it. alot of the times it was just my unit waiting to be rescued by the army..ALOT,Though i got to learn many things,see many things,and do many things that help me get a better civilian job.


Afghanistan tour was not fun. it was my first deployment and i was stuck on street patrol for a year which is basically the worst patrol you can get. there are these roadside explosives called IED's "Improvised explosive device" which is an easy as hell to make bomb..(a coke can, a fuse..and a sharp piece of metal basically) and these things were hidden all over the dammned landscape. every second we'd be stopping patrol for garbage in the middle of the road hoping it didn't explode in our faces..and if we didn't stop and got careless.. we got dead. that doesn"t sum the entire tour up but it's the worst thing i can think of doing.


Iraq was worse lol.. it's a little more busy on the iraqi front than the afghan so i found myself doing alot more. i don't really like to talk about it that much so i will sum it up in 4 words.. i got shot twice.. lol after the 2nd time i got hit i suddenly had a change of heart on wanting to be in the corps. luckily for me my time was almost up and went home not to long after.


Only 3 weeks later i am back but i re-upped so it's my own damn fault anyway lol. Next time i served was all over the coast of iraq. had a ton more to do as i signed up with this military orginazation known as blackwater. it's ran by vets and current military. only reason i joined is you actually get a decent paycheck doing things you did in the past but for for for crap pay(never join the military for money)


I'm 24 so least i still got my youth and a nice civi job as a city cop. i am still breathing and the things i have learned from the service will keep me alive for years to come..hopefully..


So..what i am saying basically is.. i'd choose the Marines...lol :yes:

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