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Cute Elf - Problem when becoming a vampire.


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Hello, I've been using this mod for a while and I decided I wanted my character to become a vampire. But unforutaly when she becomes one her eyes don't turn to vampire eyes. They pretty much bug out.


Can anyone explain to me how one might fix this problem?

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Hello, I've been using this mod for a while and I decided I wanted my character to become a vampire. But unforutaly when she becomes one her eyes don't turn to vampire eyes. They pretty much bug out.


Can anyone explain to me how one might fix this problem?


A common problem in custom races. The old eyes are not anchored in the same place as the new meshes. There have been several posts on it, including cute elf. I have not messed too much with it. Do a search in the forums and im sure you will find many helpful posts. Good Luck.

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I did a few searches and went through most of the pages, most of them not telling you really how to fix it... Perhaps I missed a post? If you've explained how to fix this Savage could you just C/P it?


Well, first let me describe what the problem is. The problem happens because when you become a vampire the game applies a texture to your eyes which doesn't fit the eye mesh.


Solution? Answers given may vary, but usually include changing your load order or cutting back on the number of beauty and/or race mods you're using. I can't advise you on load order because when I want various things to be compatible I just use the CS and merge them manually. I use my own beauty mod (MHE) but a different version than what I've shared. In my own version I have added several races so that everything works. It's too complicated to explain precisely how to do this.


Another way to merge mods is to use something called Wrye Bash. I can't advise you on how to use this. I've only used it once myself and don't currently have it installed.


These links should help. I did a search for you for various topics where people have trouble with eyes or are explaining about problems with eyes.


Here's one where I explained about what's going on to create googly eyes: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=107489&hl=









I'm not going to search through 65 pages of results to post more links, but if you'd like to browse for more info here's my search. I widened the search term and just looked for 'eyes.'


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