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Mod Request for Alternate Loading Screens


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I have a low/medium-end PC so Loading Screens take a short while at times. Thus I thought it would be really cool for another way to pass the time as I have already memorized all the loading screens and their quotes. Basically the concept is that you are able to read one of the many in-game books during a loading screen. The loading screen would still be there but without the text and pictures. Instead, one of the many books would pop up and there would be a progress bar somewhere to show how long the screen has to take. You could then read the book with ease which would help pass the time and give you more inspiration to read the books since I find myself never reading them otherwise.


Many thanks in advance!! :smile:


P.S. Another idea is to have a cut scene replace the loading screen where the player is walking through a hallway. Basically, he opens the door and enters a hallway. He walks as long as the loading screen takes and then enters another door which opens up into where the player would have otherwise entered had there been another loading screen. Or just a short cut scene where the player opens the door and closes it behind or some such animation. Any thoughts, people? :)

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