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Gif Files on the Nexus Pages


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I was just wondering if there was a way to get .gifs to actually play on the Nexus sites. I have been able to get one running on the forum pages but on any specific Nexus site it just shows the first frame of the .gif


I am almost certain that it is possible, or that it was at one time possible, as I have seen a few people that had running .gifs. I am also relatively certain that the test image I have used complies to the necessary parameters in order to be uploaded, I don't know, however, if there is another requirement for the .gifs to run on top of the upload requirements.


If anyone has any ideas or could direct me to relevant information it would be much appreciated :smile:

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There should be no problem as long as it's the correct size(less than 1.41mb), and your internet connection is fast enough. If the gif is on your hardrive try right clicking on it and open it with your browser. If it runs in your browser window, it'll run on the Nexus. There's nothing special to be done. Here's one i did earlier:http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/images/57788/?


See if that runs for you.


P.S. your profile pic is animated. Where is your test pic?

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I don't think I explained what I wanted to do properly.


I was trying to get the profile picture to be animated on the Nexus pages as well as in the forums themselves. Also the test picture was the profile picture. I just picked one that constrained to the 100kb size and that was roughly the same size as the max image dimensions.


I don't know if you have any ideas about that but I thank you for the response either way.

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Ah. Well unfortunately I think your out of luck. You used to be able to have animated profile pics across the Nexus sites because there where originally 2 different images you could upload, one for your personal profile/actual picture and one for the image everyone sees on the sites/forums. Then they changed the format to just one personal profile pic, which is shown across all sites, and since then, I can't get it to animate anywhere but in the forums either.

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Still, due to the IPBoard changes that now there's only 1 image shared between forums AND sites, and both platforms using 'different'-sized avatars and/or profile images, there sure is some inevitable and automatic 'conversion' going on whenever you upload a new profile image/avatar. As a result of that, whether the actual size gets altered or not, the animation definitely is going to be lost after this. Whichever image is the 'converted' one in this process is highly unlikely to still be 'animated' afterwards.


Whether it was within the limits before or not, the different-sized 'copies' of it created for the different target-platforms certainly won't remain animated in the end.


edit: Removed some absolutes and made them uncertainties where appropriate.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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... Whether it was within the limits before or not, the different-sized 'copies' of it created for the different target-platforms certainly won't remain animated in the end.



Quite true. I wasn't saying your observations were inaccurate. Simply providing the Site Owner's statement as additional context.


Several elements of the ToS and other policy-related posts are being revised due to changes in the overall structure of the Nexus, and the things introduced in the latest version of the IPB software.


But the basic approach ("Don't be an ass.") will remain unchanged. :thumbsup:

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From Dark0ne's: Avatar and Signature Limits:


Avatar pics MUST only be 65x65 pixels big and the types of files that can be uploaded are GIF, JPEG, JPG and PNG. If they are animated, they can only be minor and below 30kb in size.



Thank you for linking that. I have to ask though why the upload limits seem to be different then the ones listed here. It allows you upload images up to 200kb in size and well over 65x65. Is that an incongruity or is there a reason for the difference?

Edited by HiggsBp
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