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add conditions to an activator?


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is it possible to add conditions to an activator with either sseedit or CK?

like I have to read a book or kill something for this activator (which is static and stays and in the same place at all times) to give me the prompt to activate it? Otherwise if I don't meet the conditions the prompt will just not display?

read some tutorials and I think doing this through a quest is the only way to do it?


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Activators do not have the ability to add conditions directly to the record.


You have some options though.


1. If there is a script on the activator, you can modify it by adding the conditions to the OnActivate event. The prompt will still be there but if the conditions are not met then either nothing will happen or whatever other thing you want to happen will happen.


2. Add non-activator static versions in the exact same positions and enable them while disabling the activator versions. Use a separate object to monitor for the correct conditions. When conditions are met, enable the activator and disable the non-activator version.


3. Remove the activator version completely and replace with a non-activator static version. Wrap with a trigger volume box and check the box that allows the player to use it as an activator. Be sure to initially disable the trigger volume box. Use a separate object to monitor for the correct conditions. When conditions are met, enable the trigger volume box.


NOTE: In options 2 and 3 the "separate object" depends on the conditions being tracked as to what type of object would be best to use. Sometimes a quest will be necessary. Other times it can be handled by something else.


And if your activators are existing pre-placed stock activators, none of those options are going to work properly, if at all, should other mods modify the same pre-placed activators.


In a nutshell, it depends on exactly what you want to do and with what objects you want to do it with as to what approach will work best.

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