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The Frank Horrigan Legacy


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I've been thinking about this a helluva lot lately. There would be nothing more badass than going up against (or alongside) the single most destructive force in the series. All the same, it's not easily doable. There's a very large amount of variables to consider, but given enough work, I think it could be done.




What seems like the best way to do it (and also the most epic) is to put Fawkes through the transformation-- turning an extremely good, righteous individual into one of the most horrible. What I can forsee it taking would be making a new copy of Fawkes, removing his karma restriction, switching the default mutant model with FH's power armor model (no actual inventory item), and adding in all the upgrades (increased strength, run speed, carry weight, etc.). The armor would be non-lootable and he'd probably be too tall for most underground areas.

At the same time, it's possible that FH's FO2 speech sfx files could be chopped up for responses. Either that, or it could be looked into if Fawkes had unused power helmet speech files in the game.


The proper quest items (i.e. an Advanced FEV vial and the upgraded custom armor) could be at a certain Enclave location, preferably a user-made base so that it wouldn't risk getting sealed up at Raven Rock. Once attained, they could be given to Fawkes in the form of a unique dialogue option, probably resulting in a massive karma drop as he changes over to the monster.


I'm interested to hear other people's ideas on this likely-desired addition.

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It would probably be a lot of work, but no impossible....seeing how someone already found a way to re skin super mutants with different textures. Just make a behemoth re textured to look like hes wearing armor...done. Only thing is he won't be able to take it off. now as for his arm mounted weapon....someone has done that as well. Breakthroughs in modding have made frank horrigan doable.
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Exactly my point. Not retexing, not just walking into a room and walking out. The real deal.


Although, if he wasn't a follower and was just a boss, I think having behemoth dimensions for the size would probably be the right idea.


This also would need some kind of justification, not just being put into the game without explanation or purpose. Either it's Fawkes getting an unexpected modification, or it's an Enclave project coming to fruition as they unleash the big guy on you.


All the same, this can only get off the ground if we get a modder with the necessary skillsets dedicated to the project.

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The mesh shown in the thread isn't bad, but the thing is, it's well...


Two things:

First, it seems just like another regular mutie, but decked out in standard power armor. Which might be interesting to encounter occasionally in-game, but that's beside the point.


The second, is the power armor itself; that's just not advanced, Enclave grade stuff. It's the base, average power armor, which also... was never really given detail by Bethesda, and since it wasn't in any of the other games... is borderline non-canonical. Or at least, is still requiring explanation.


Whatever the case, the money's on whoever can aim for this in particular. I do appreciate you posting that link, though. It's a good point to make.

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The mesh shown in the thread isn't bad, but the thing is, it's well...


Two things:

First, it seems just like another regular mutie, but decked out in standard power armor. Which might be interesting to encounter occasionally in-game, but that's beside the point.

If you read up on the Wiki, Frank was pretty much a standard mutant in physical apearance.

What made him different was three things.


1: Being part of the Enclave meant he had a low enough radiation exposure that the FEV did not distroy his brain to the extent of a standard mutant (but still damaged).

2: His loyality to the Enclave

3: The special suit of Advanced Power armour the Enclave scientists developed for him which combined with being a Super Mutant made him virtually indestructible.



But I agree that the armour pictured hardly matches his.

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