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New command animal spell


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I have always hated how the bosmers greater power not only sucks,but allows for the commanding of undead, daedra and mythical creatures(lv 1 imps).can anyone point me in the right direction towards making a new spell effect just for the bosmer that makes it so only animals are commanded? i want to make a mod that gives bosmer a greater and/or lesser power that allows them to command animals only, no undead, monsters, or daedra. the strength of this custom spell effect would be the fact that the animal commanded would also have its aggression lowered towards the player character, so that after the command effect ends, the animal wouldnt attack the player. i would make it cheaper to cast than command creature and perhaps allow the greater power version to permanently command 1 animal until it dies or the pc commands a new animal. an ability that makes it so wild animals dont attack bosmer as much as the other races would be interesting too, perhaps i may try to make that a racial passive or something
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I havent tested this but I think I know a way to make this work...


1. Create a misc item called FollowPlayerToken


2. Add an AI package to all creatures who can be 'commanded' by the elf that is of type FollowPlayer with the condition that GetItemCount FollowPlayerToken > 0


3. Add your spell such that it has a script effect which adds the FollowPlayerToken.


4. (Up to you) Either add the PlayerFaction to the creature in the spell script (Creatures are hostile until player casts the spell) or add them to the creature in the CS (creatures are never hostile to the player)


5. (Optional) Extend the concept to allow dismissing creatures (removing the FollowPlayerToken and possibly player faction)


Good luck!

Edited by ArmlessWunder
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