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Can't get my modified item in the game

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Hi everyone,


I'm getting a bit desperate. I'm making this for a school project, so time is of the essence.

So, basically, what I've done is, I've extracted the .nif and .dds files from the Gumdrops bar, edited the .nif in Nifskope to link the textures to my new .dds-files (which were edited versions of the originals, nothing more), and it looks good in Nifskope, but when I try to add it to the FO4 Creation Kit, the kit crashes.

I've tried just replacing the .nif of the gumdrops bar, to see if I can at least retexture all the gumdrop bars in game, but then it crashes too.

Adding the modified .nif in FO4Edit doesn't work either - sure it shows up as an activatable .esp in the creation kit, but the game still crashes when I try to place it in the world.



Nifskope did give the following error messages:

"One or more texture dimensions are not a power of two." and when I click Show details... it says "...\Wrapper_BET_dds is 789x510".


But when I open the DDS in GIMP it says the size is 1024x512 pixels. What measurementsize is the creation kit using to come to these measurements?

The .dds files I exported from Gimp using BC1/DXT1 compression, with generate mipmaps selected.


Please tell me what I'm doing wrong and how to fix this.

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I've just figured it out: GIMP did only export the layer (I'm new to GIMP, I usually use Photoshop but tutorials said you could edit .dds in GIMP so here we are). I had to rescale and resize the entire thing a few times, but eventually GIMP exported it as it should be and now it works like a charm. This is such a silly thing - I made the some mod for Skyrim and that game isn't nearly so picky on its textures... But thanks for helping me figure it out :)

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