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Underground Power Lines (No More Overhead Power Lines) (explained in details)


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Please someone make a mod like this or something similar:

  • Adds "Power Receiver" and "Power Output" to the workshop menu.
  • "Power Receiver" is where you connect all your Power Generator. Make it looks like a mini Power Substation or Feeder Pillar for a bit of immersion if you want.
  • "Power Output" is where you connect your switches, lights, turrets, etc. It will looks like for example: a car charging pillar or power pillar.
  • This mod will make it looks like your settlement has underground power lines.
  • Please add compatibility to Timer Power Switch (make it like the timer switch receive power directly to "Power Receiver" like the "Power Output").
  • Please don't make it wireless.



  • Overhead power lines is immersive to FO4 but it cost a lot of materials, specially to large settlements like Sanctuary Hills and Spectacle Island.
  • Overhead power lines doesn't look good on a clean built settlement.
  • Saves time and easy to power things up.
  • Puts all your generator to one place without making a lot of long power lines


Why not wireless?

  • A very wide wireless connection have a performance hit in the game, and freeze/CTD the game if accidentally moved.
  • Doesn't have compatibility with the mod Timer Power Switch.
  • I did not use existing wide wireless mods because I will still make long power lines for objects that needs it.


English is not my first language and I have a few vocabulary, sorry if my words are repetitive.

Thanks in advance for interested authors. :D

Edited by LooperNagic
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