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Simple nifscope question

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Right, I've made an animated morph in max, the weapon(longsword) exported nicelly. Along with the animation.


So far so good, fired up nifscope - everything's still in order.


However things crash either in the CS or in game; therefore the question is:


Can I have a NiGeomMorpherController in a NiTriStrips in a weapon other than a bow?

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And you're the winner!


Even after removing the incriminated branch, the CS still crashes.


Therefore the problem must be somewhere else; so I guess the real question should be: "Would this model work if I was Batman?".


Sorry for your time and the waste of space.

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Huzzah! Chuck Noris wins yet again! For it was I who got things to work and therefore am - as mentioned in the post above - Chuck Noris. Now bow to my beard.


Okay, In case if ANYONE is... sincerelly... interested if it's possible to use a morph on a sword; the answer is: "Waffles"


You can add a morph just fine and the game will load it just as fine, it won't however animate = a big stupid waste of time and resources.


Oh well. Wait, hmm... I'll just use transforms instead.

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