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Nodes and embedded weapon


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Well without knowing where the script is that transfers the stuff. You can put a script on the fist weapon in their mod file .


This weapon ID "SupermutantFists"

Type : Object Script


SCN MyScriptName ; whatever you want to name it.


Begin OnAdd Player


RemoveMe NVDLC01DogRef





I think that should work fine , unless another mutant does the same thing , which will give it to Dog .

However if you notice he doesn't equip it ... I guess by him not doing the right damage , since there is no model to notice if it is equipped. Or to know for sure would have to check him in console with "GetEquippedObject 5"

But add this block to the same script if he doesn't equip it.



Begin OnAdd NVDLC01DogRef







I'm just not sure what the script the mod uses to give them the weap and equip it is doing ...

since it is an "ScriptEffectStart" block ?

But he may be getting the weapon and equipping it as soon as he doesn't have one ?

Ergo all you might need do is remove the weapon from yourself.



scn migMgefSuperFisticuffsMS
int bEquip
Begin ScriptEffectStart
if GetIsCreatureType 4 && GetItemCount SupermutantFists == 0
let bEquip := (GetWeaponAnimType < 2)
AddItemAlt SupermutantFists 1 100 bEquip
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