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Respawning Trogs


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Let me fist say that I really loved the Pitt and enjoyed it a lot. But there's barely something to do there once you finish it and get all 100 ingots. I also loved fighting the trogs and I often go to the Steelyard and Uptown to check if they have respawned but they never really do. So I'd love to see a mod that makes the trogs in the Steelyard and in Uptown respawn, in this way there would be still something to do in the Pitt.
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If you use marts mutant mod, i think enabling the Zones Respawn plugin should make the trogs (and all foes in caves, dungeons, buildings and the like) to respawn.

Tried it, all the trogs still lie dead on the ground except for two Fledglings and I think that's not from the mod I think that's from the normal respawning. Two Fledglings are no challenge at all, I wish there were like 15 Fledglings, 10 Normal Trogs, 7 Trog Brute and 5 Trog Savage in both Uptown and the Scrapyard. Anyways thanks for trying to help! I appreciate it :thumbsup:

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Hmm.. lemme check.. *opens geck*

Savages and brutes are marked as no-respawn, but fledgelings and normals should respawn properly, unless there is something i'm not aware of happening there.

Open the pitt on geck, list "All" put "Trog" on the search bar and look for DLC01CrTrog3 and DLC01CrTrog4.

Open em, activate the respawn checkbox, save your pitt patch and load it on the game.

Hopefully it should work.

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Hey, I did that and I also removed the mutants mod and changed the Steelyard zone to reset and it worked!Thanks, I feel like I'm getting better with the geck because of you! I also searched for Uptown, the Supply Plant and the Abandoned Apartments, but I couldn't find them. Is it because they are cells and I'm not searching the right way? Could you help me with that?
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