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Robust Armor


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with the adding of more robust body mod for male characters. It seem fitting to add an armor set or sets that would match the body type. I have body builder body type on my own nord character, some of the armors just make me wonder how would one with that body fit into that. Just few pictures that show more robust armor of some types





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there is countless threads request for warhammer styled armors. No, not the Chaos Armor style there is a few warhammer mods on the tes mostly going with weapons I believe.
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Itd be great to see alot more 'robust' armors made available to the community, TDA's armoury is the best you're gonna get in this class though, since everything else is pretty much along the lines of "How much of this armor can I take off and still call it armor?"


Btw, TDA's armoury is here: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=19468

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Ah yes, I forgot about Pale rider.


Im in your shoes with this request though, but I exclusively play female characters, so finding 'robust' armor for females is very hard to do. :confused:

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well here on tes.... yes that is very very hard thing to find. I have been using some of the lightguts mods for my Cm partners. I like Ivy Armor for LightGUTS, FuruFuru for LightGUTS, Serenity Armor for LightGUTS


The Lich king is about it last one I can think of myself...

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well, i'm a fan of big, strong, robust armors. The reason cose there are more female sexy armors is that they are much more easy to do (this is ture for beginners like me). Makeing an armor like in the pictures takes more skills and just any newbie cound't handle it. I tried, but failed. One day you will hear form me and get some armors :)
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well, i'm a fan of big, strong, robust armors. The reason cose there are more female sexy armors is that they are much more easy to do (this is ture for beginners like me). Makeing an armor like in the pictures takes more skills and just any newbie cound't handle it. I tried, but failed. One day you will hear form me and get some armors :)


Id say thats about half true, Yes it is a bit dificult making full robust armor. But there are plenty of very talented modelers here, so its not really an issue of "Cant" its an issue of "Dont want to".


And thats fine, the robust armors that are out there satify me enough.

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