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[Weapon Script] Looking for specific Event


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If you know the target reference then RegisterForHitEvent & OnHit


If you dont know the target reference then perk entry ApplyCombatHitSpell will get the hit AkTargetRef ...


... BUT if the player has multiple ApplyCombatHitSpell perks the game only seems to trigger one of them and you cant detect if the player already has one (just like multiple AddActivate on a target).


I fiddled around with my own player cloak magiceffect and RegisterForHitEvent all actors it touches ... but it was just a bit too dirty for me.

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Thanks for the quick reply.


Here was my quick solution

1. Create a unique damage type (Like DTPoison, DtFire...) and give it a unique spell.

2. Create a spell and magic effect - Fire and Forget on Contact

3. The accompanying script has Event OnEffectStart - AkTarget.kill()


And link it all together of course

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Another workaund for the ApplyCombatHitSpell conflict was to create a legendary effect OMOD which would pass back the akTarget to do stuff on, but ofc that means game cant roll and players cant apply a normal legendary effect (because swapping legendary effects is a must have response to crap RNG).

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