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[Script] OnCellDetach


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Can somebody please explain OnCellDetach for me?

Basically what I want is to run a script on an object as soon as the player gets far enough away from it.


So it's out of sight (And using GetDistance is a bit too clunky for me)

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If you are managing specific objects that have 3d I would suggest using OnLoad OnUnload as it guarantees the object model is available.


They fire differently to the CellAttach and CellLoad due to fLODFadeOutMult* settings so a cell can detach to LOD at ~10K (plus cell buffer) but the object is still visible through a scope to 15K (or even more) until OnUnload.


If you search the base game scripts it looks like Cell events are mostly used for FX stuff that doesnt have 3d.

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