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Can't get armor item to equip on spawn

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Hi All! Thanks in advance, just for taking a look at my post :)


Ok, so here's my project. I've got an item (armor piece) from another mod (that I have permission to use) that I am attempting to add in to the Concord Settlers (Garvey and crew).

All of this is done in Xedit, btw. I can't navigate the CK.

I have set the other person's mod as a masters, so as to require the use of his .esp file.

I have made a copy of the armor piece, with a different prefix, in my own .esp file. Both Armor, and Armor Addons have been copied and renamed.


I have added the item into my test subject's inventory. Which, it appears in their inventory, when I go in-game. It's there. I can see it listed, when I do a pickpocket attempt.


However. They don't WEAR it!




What am I missing here??


Oh also. I'm not unfamiliar with Xedit. I can (fairly well) navigate my way around it. CK is pretty much beyond my ability to understand. Too complicated!


Any help on this would very, very much be appreciated!



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If the NPC has been already spawned by the time you're trying to add your custom item to their inventory, they won't wear it because their actor inventory has already been initialized. (Weapons work a bit differently because the Combat AI automatically makes NPCs to pick up, equip or switch weapons).


Possible solutions might be to use Console >> Recycleactor or make an "Equip Item on NPC on Start" script. I don't know any FO4Edit solutions though..


(By the way, to properly add armors to NPCs, first you need to create an Outfit, drag and drop your armors into it, then add the outfit to NPC >> "DOFT - Default Outfit").

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Heyas LarannKiar. First and formost thanks so much for taking the time to reply. That is very much appreciated. :)

And two, thanks for bringing it up about the first time that they spawn. I've edited my OP to reflect that yah.... this is on new chars, and existing chars. :(

That link is very helpful! I will take a look into seeing what options Xedit has for creating new formlists.

Kudos and much thanks! :D

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