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Help: MO2 Left Pane Order - Getting Lost - Mod Pros Please?


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I really hope some serious mod pros can help me out here, because I'm seriously getting lost with all the mods.


It's my understanding with Mods that don't have an esp/esl, they are not ordered on the right side pane that you use LOOT to order the mods.


But for mods that have loose files, the priority placement on the left is important for those mods, and if that is correct in my understanding, then I'm really struggling to determine which mods I should place in what priority on the left side pane.


Here are 3 screen shots of all my mods in MO2, if any of the pros here, can really give me some serious help, in better sorting the left pane, I would greatly appreciate it!


I understand a lot of this can just get down to personal preferences, but to be honest, I just want to best outcome/results I can achieve with these mods, and unfortunately, I thought at one time I knew, but now, I'm not so sure.


With the mods in the order I have them on the left pane, when I play the game it looks great, but since I'm no pro with this, I'm assuming I can achieve even greater results.


I've probably spent around 3 months and hundreds of hours to achieve what I've done, but at times, I seriously doubt my abilities, there is just so much going on with modding. And it's my understanding, I'm just trying to overwrite the best mods with the worst mods, and I'm not sure I'm giving the best mods the best priority on the left side... hmm


THANKS, it's greatly appreciated!


1-MO2 — ImgBB (ibb.co)


2-MO2 — ImgBB (ibb.co)


3-MO2 — ImgBB (ibb.co)

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One option:


1. Get your plugins in order (right pane)

2. Adjust your mod folders so that if it contains a plugin it is in the same order as the right pane

3. Check your conflicting files and read up on all the affected mods. Many times there is a specified order for certain mods to go in, follow such orders even with the loose files.

4. Any other conflicting files, check them out one by one and decide which variant you want to have in your game.

5. If the mod contains only loose files and no other loose files conflict with it, they can be anywhere in the list that you want them.


Another option:

Organize your mod folders by what they do and take care of conflicts as desired. MO2 has a collapsible separator feature which you can use to group mod folders together as desired.


It may help to think about the left pane as "installation order". Before there were mod managers with virtual files systems, all mods were installed directly to the game folder. Installation order became very important for loose files as the last one installed would be the one to be used. The left pane in MO2 basically mimics the installation order while allowing one to hide "winning" files in order to allow an earlier listed file to be used instead.

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Everything I understand, but number 2 is not something I've considered before, looking to see the order it was placed in the Right pane, and then setting it at the same priority in the Left pane.


BUT, even understanding and doing number 2, maybe the rest is all just a personal preference, but personal preferences aside, I simply want the best outcome between these mods. So as an example, even though Skyrim Realistic Over Haul and Noble are nice mods, they are older, so the looks some people might prefer, I'm also more concerned about issues bugs, we are all hoping would be corrected in newer mods. So that is why I now have texture mods from Skyrim 2020 Parallax by Pfuscher.


So, looking back on this, personal preferences aside, what I should of made clear is if anyone knew anything about all these mods, and would of said, given various issues, bugs, etc., you will want to order the Left Pane in this particular order for better results.


I'm not thinking about my own personal preferences, but if there's anything known as issues between all these mods, and therefore, a better Priority I should be placing on them, compared to what I have listed in the screen shots?



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I cannot help with that. Probably 90% of the mods in your list, I have never used. And the other 10% typically never have anything that would conflict with them. Or if they do, it is something that has to be resolved via some sort of patch plugin rather than loose file order.


Sorry and good luck

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