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Mod Request for Realistic, Ever-Changing Loading Screens


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Basically this mod request is for loading screens. I know there are some out there already but they aren't for me and I'd really like a mod like this since my computer is rather slow sometimes so I can read one or two loading screens or even three before it loads the next cell, especially during Fast Travel. The idea is that one time they show the Dark Brotherhood Door (which I hate and think is kinda weird but that's just wimpy me, lol) and talk about the Dark Brotherhood. Then they go on about how the Cow is the domestic beast of Skyrim and the door is still there. It doesn't make a lick of sense and I am like WTF? You know?


So my idea is to make the picture on the loading screen change as per the quote to fit the quote. So if the quote is talking about one thing it would be accurate with that thing. Then if it talks about another thing the pic changes to fit that quote. Get my meaning? :) Personally I think this was really lazy by Bethesda and they should have done it from the start of the game. I also hate staring at the same old pics all the time when I have to go through three or four quotes. So that's about it and I apologize for the rant. If someone could make this into a loading screen that would be fantastic and I would use it for every single play-through.


Many thanks in advance!! :)

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