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All files marked as ESM


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I created an merged patch using FO3edit and now all the files are marked as masters and for some strange reason, it wont show the BOSDX re-textures that I installed. Instead, it will just display the normal default textures. Is there anyway to undo this and get them back? I tried to remove the textures and re-install them, but nothing and I am also unable to undo what the merged patch did and it now wont allow me to move the new BoSDX textures above the merger esp in NMM.

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something else has come up, but I wont make a new topic for it. It seems that the Shovel is missing its texture for some odd reason and gives the well known exclamation mark. I have tried looking for the mod that does the new texture for the shovel, but I have yet to find it. I am a bit reluctant to go through my current active mods as it seems to work alright now. Except for the above mentioned problem of course.


Can anyone tell me how I can sort this? check the archive invalidation and made sure it is on.

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thought it might be eve, but that wasn't the one. When ever I am in game and select the item using the console, it brings up the following ID. "shovel" (ff001574). Another thing that comes up as well is just "" (240d9404)

And I have no idea, what it is.


I read on the Wiki that anything starting with FF is in regards with your savegame. There might be no problem at all with the mods, but with my save.

Edited by Daryst
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Troubleshooting 101:


MIssing mesh = Red exclamation mark.

Missing texture = chameleon-like colors on affected surfaces.


I created an merged patch using FO3edit and now all the files are marked as masters


Sounds to me like you actually masterupdated your entire load order. That's also why you can't move any other .esp's above your merged patch since NMM will always put master files (.esm's) above plugins (.esp's).


Copy the Fo3Edit.exe and rename the copy to "FO3MasterRestore.exe", then run it to restore your plugins to the way they were.



As far as the shovel error is concerned:


There might be no problem at all with the mods, but with my save.



Disable all of your active plugins and see if the problem is still there. Shovel back to normal? Start activating your mods one by one and check in game each time if the problem returns.

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Even with all mods disabled (or as many as I could without the game not starting) and it still happened. I then did a Local integrity check via steam and after enabling all the mods again. It works now. I think. Haven't found a shovel to test this with, but the other random missing meshes are back to normal so I have hope :).

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