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Need a little help for an sexy Idea [Molag Bal daughter's Armor]


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Hi there, first it's my first post here but i'm in modding since morrowind!

I'm french, so sry for the bad english.


Okay, so my project is the "Molag Bal daughter's Armor" is an mix with daedric style, vampiric and princess stuff.

at this time it's an match up armor from various other mods (i will name them all, but for this post i'm not sure if I have too), it use seven base body hdt system, BBP, glow effect. Light armor, sexy spiky but not (fully) naked.

I tried to add lot of armor in arms and legs and add some high heels to give an 'princess feeling' to the armor.

I still have a lot of texturing work to do to unified the whole, fully retex the pump.

Everything as been retex, little change sometime, mostly on light effect so the result depend on ENB/lights



My request is very specific: i need help about modifiing an NitrishapeData.

Well it seems very simple for me at first, but 3 day latter i still cant doing it. It's why i'm asking for help instead of trying further to doing it myself ! Pls help guys :tongue:

i'm a pro with photoshop (it's my job) and i know how to use 3D software, a little about messing with Nifscope.


So i have try an old morrowind trick, that consist in remove part of the mesh with Nialpha and alpha layer in photoshop. but it goes wrong in at least 2 way:



So i figure i needed to modifed the mesh, i can't so i'm here requesting help :tongue:


I need the foot part of the daedric boots removed, only this, no change on rest of the mesh, and put into the nif. I can do the rest

(my trys result in an odd explosion, so i suppose it's an skining/bones problem :/)

if an good soul can help me with this little issue, i can help in return with some texturing work.


I hope i'm not in the wrong part of the forum. As it's an request I figure it was the good place, my apologies if not.

Cheers. LEO


PS: i'm not sure if i'm allowed to attach the nif, pm me if you can help me.

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Afaik the mesh gets f*cked up when you mess around with it...like deleting vertices without re-skinning the whole thing - the new mesh won't go along with the old skin values used in the nif. I used this method when it comes to simple edits, like "deleting" the werewolf's tail i used in this fix: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30548//?


I used 3DsMax but it might work with Blender and Nif Plugin as well...you mentioned that you can handle 3D software so i guess you've installed one or the other? If so all you have to do is to select all unwanted polygon points and downscale, move or hide them...no deleting. Export as nif and do some nifskope magic:




Works fine ingame, just tested it:




... just some thoughts if you find no one that does the adjustments for you. I'm just in for a short visit.



Edited by ghosu
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thx for your reply

-i cant see the video its private :p-

so i move the polygones in hiden position then export, I can do this!

the next part confuse me

i use to copy the NitrishapeData and paste it in place


well i just have to try it :p

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5 hours later ....

well i can do anything that you say, but blender is a shitty software ...

when i export the nif, the structure of the Nitrishape change: it cant have the BSlightindshaderproperty (""invalid array size for array" "Material Name""

""array Material Name invalid"" )

so fail :tongue: i surrend X_X



EDIT: the properties are Ref<Niproperty> instead of Ref<NiObject>

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i've send you an pm, its probably to late but ...

i need to learn UV mapping with blender so i've found some tutorial to look at, the thing is, i'm not sure if my problem is nifscope or blender related


anyway thx for the help :smile:



EDIT: I finaly manage to export the mesh in nifscope but ingame it look like exploded >< i think the foot part are link to bones that mess up evrything

Edited by leorage
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