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remove haze from hallway


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I working on a vault using 101 as the the copied cell. I want a clean looking vault. I put in a long room, Added lights and can't see the other side because it has this fog like haze. It is not visible while in the GECK, But when I go to the vault in game, It is there. Is there a way to remove it. I tryed doing the filter with, FX, Haze, Fog and nothing came up. Is this somthing that can be removed? Or is it one of those things that can be worked around? Thanks in advance.
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Go into the Geck, find your cell in the Cell view, right click and choose edit. Click the lighting tab. The Fog is controlled by settings in the lower left box. Ignoring the color settings, there is Near, Far, POW and clip distance. If they are shaded out, just untick their inheritance flags at the top of the window. It's been a while, but I think you can just set the POW to 0 to turn off the Fog. If that isn't right, just set the near and far values to the clip distance. The higher the numbers, the farther away the effects take place.


Near - how far before the fog starts

Far - How far before the fog becomes completely opaque

pow - the power of the fog (I can't remember what this does honestly, sorry)

clip distance - the maximum distance to render the cell.


Normally, fog effects prevent the player from seeing that not all of the cell is rendered (to save on resources, boosting FPS). If you want to see forever, you'll have to increase the clip distance accordingly.

Edited by pkleiss
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Well again you are my hero. :blush: Took a little tweaking, back and forth between the GECK and the game, But its all good now. The Pow set to zero was backwards 0 (was at 0.700) set the fog like two feet away, But you did say You couldn't remember. Set it to 10.0 and it seem to change how it vanished, From fade to like pushing a wall, No fade it just moved, But it didn't change how far away it was. Kinda played with the Near, Far, Clip a little at a time, My GPU is a 9800gt (and I'm sure she is getting tired) and i'm sure changing those numbers will impact the preformance. Set every thing to 3000, Jumped it up 1000 at a time and about 6000 it started getting better. Setteled for 7600 and its all clear too the end. Many thanks again. And the deeper I get in to this, The better it get's. But due to the fact that I just can't start out with a tiny three room, one bath vault...... I'm sure I'll be back!

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